Razikul Rasel is a Musician, artist, entrepreneur, and successful Freelancer who created a coveted name in the industry for himself.
Razikul Rasel is brought into the world in Bangladesh on 24 Dec 1997. He lives in Rajshahi city with his family. As a goal-oriented kid who has an interest in music. During his tutoring, he goes to his melodic class energetically and used to go to the instructor who shows him music.
He utilizes his instruments and practices the entire day on them. He needs to be an incredible performer. Yet, his dad needs that Razikul considers his investigations. Be that as it may, he attempts to investigate himself and clean his capacities.
Razikul Rasel is arising as perhaps the best melodic craftsman, online media influencers, and business person who has vanquished his difficulties, transformed them into promising circumstances, and accomplished his objectives. He is a pleased business person who began working at 14 years old, When individuals at his age were enjoying normal high school things, he was utilizing his latent capacity and buckling down day and night to become what he is today.
Forfeiting his adolescents for a splendid future has worked in support of himself and today he is the best melodic craftsman and business person in Bangladesh.
The new time of innovation has brought a chance for the youthful age. Razikul Rasel is an aggressive Bangladeshi Young Man who has accepted the open door and demonstrated his value as a cutting-edge business person and finance manager just as a fruitful performer.
Razikul Rasel has gotten a progressive change in the melodic business of Bangladesh through blending current innovations and western instruments in with customary Bangla tunes. He is strolling on the way of music from his adolescence.
A chance that has been made due to the headway of innovation has been appropriately used by him.
Razikul Rasel is a 24 years of age youthful and enthusiastic individual who is forming music too. Enthusiasm for music has gotten perhaps the main components for presenting him as a VIP in Bangladesh. An awesome presence in web-based media has perceived his acknowledgment generally.
Razikul Rasel is viewed as a tone-hearted individual for distinguishing openings, face challenges, and face difficulties with his consistent endeavors and persevering. Self-acquiring and quick mastering abilities have assisted him with overseeing a particularly superb position both in music and business.
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