Real Estate Guru Jarret Willis Shares the Secret to His Success

A lot of people would imagine the life of a real estate agent to be all glitz and glamor. I mean, surely if you’re capable of selling houses worth millions of dollars, you must also live in one and have fun all the rest of your life, right?

Well, real estate guru Jarret Willis has seen it all and done it all in the world of real estate, and yes, he’s sold lots of properties worth millions of dollars, but he’ll have you know that when it comes to real estate, it isn’t all roses and rainbows.

An unbelievable amount of work goes into being a successful real estate agent. Below are some of the secrets Jarret Willis shared with us that propelled him to the very top of the industry.

But first, a look at his backstory.

Before moving to the Hamptons fully in 2003, Jarret Willis worked in New York City in the fashion business. This helped him create the perfect bridge for what would become his next venture. 

In 2007, together with his wife, Jarret Willis opened an upscale men’s & women’s contemporary boutique Blue One and were fortunate through hard work & dedication to have one of the most recognizable and successful stores in the Hamptons.

In 2012 he developed a friendship with Zach & Cody, the Co-Founders of Bespoke Real Estate via Blue One’s Bridgehampton location. Shortly after he was convinced by these two brilliant minds to get his real estate license and try his hand at the ultra-high estate. 

As a co-owner of Blue One One, the thing he enjoyed most was discovering the way people lived their lives and what their needs were. This skillset was something that, through the help kd Zach & Cody, Jarret Willis would hone and apply to the luxury real estate market with his clients. 

Within weeks of being shown the ropes, Jarret had his first real estate sale of $35,000,000. 

1. Planning is Key

Jarret Willis belongs to a real estate company that specializes in selling properties with values not less than $10 million. 

Now that’s a lot of money that many would envy. So when Jarret speaks, it is clear that he knows what he’s talking about. And the first tip he shared was that planning is almost the literal key to selling your first property.

The actual transfer of ownership itself is just what’s on the surface. The driving force beneath it all is having a strong, yet flexible plan that you can always fall back to and rely on when things aren’t looking up yet.

2. Set a Clear Goal

It is easy to get sucked into the muddy world of real estate. It is also even easier to get distracted by all of the numbers, and calls, and daily tracking of processes. 

It is easy to get distracted by shiny object syndrome, which is the tendency to always keep moving from one shiny project to another without actually closing any.

The solution to avoid all of these distractions? Jarret Willis provides a simple enough answer – set a clear goal, and work your ass off till you achieve your set objective.

 3. Have Realistic Expectations

Real estate agents have become a sort of deified group. Everyone expects every single person involved in real estate to close down million-dollar deals daily and live a life of pure luxury.

Well, according to Jarret Willis, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Jarret also experienced these huge expectations starting out. But in the end, you’ll get to realize that building from the ground up is the way to go.

4. Build Relationships

Being a real estate agent is not only about selling properties. You also have to learn how to build solid long-lasting relationships with your clients. According to Jarret Willis, being a real estate agent is a long-term game. And have to think long-term to play the game.

This implies that you must see your clients as not just a business to close, but someone to respect and build long-lasting trust with.

5. Stay Positive

And lasting, as Jarret Willis believes everyone who seeks to be successful in their fields must be, you must also remain positive and employ a productive outlook on every step you’re about to take.

Don’t let the bad days get you down. That happens to everybody, even those at the top. The most important thing is not how you fall, but how you get back up.

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