In today’s digital age, almost every new rising artist strongly relies upon the convenience of technology. There’s nothing wrong with that. However, it is overshadowing the talent of some gifted or hardworking artisans across the globe. Even that’s not the problem, as real talent will shine through anything. The problem lies in the limitations these tools impose. It’s a limitation on the ability to think outside of the box. You get too jumbled up in this digital excellence that you often forget your true motive, the purpose, why did you become a photographer?
Realizing Your Goals
Daniel Valledor is one such artist who once fell prey to the temptations these digital tools bring you. Indeed, these are convenient and innovative, but he has learned to look past the mirage of comfort. He strongly believes that you should hone your skills in the raw nature of photography. If you truly seek to bask in the glory of a credible photographer, it all starts with the tools that gifted us with the art of photography, the analogs.
It started after he felt stranded. Away from his true purpose. As it happens, he looked at the streets of Madrid to once against recall his inspiration. The people. Daniel loves capturing the scenes from real life. The talented photographer loves the candid scenes without any artificiality of poses and directions. If you check out his Instagram feed, you will notice how random his captures are. Yet, each one brilliantly depicts a situation that can entice you for extended sight.
Conventional Innovation
The retro artist works with a Leica camera, using the motion picture industry standard Kodak Vision 3. He uses 400ft long feature films and spools them into his blank cartridges. Thus, ensuring a unique feel to his captures. You can see his willingness to invest time and effort to bring results to the table. He then develops his exposed rolls through homebrewed chemicals after getting them from chemist stores.
In an era of immediate results, this story a hybrid old-school yet modern photographer can be a source of inspiration for many young artists. Daniel has shared that sometimes, getting the right shot might take even months for his collection. However, the key is to never give up. He wants to tell a story of people, the streets, and the world’s reality through his camera, and he is willing to go an extra mile in every way possible to ensure he delivers what he witnesses.
If you’re curious to learn more about Daniel Valledor and his retro photography journey, you may find his work on his Instagram @danielvalledor, and keep an eye on his upcoming book this year.
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