After getting involved in entrepreneurship via lemonade stands at the age of seven, Ricky Nguyen has never been able to stop. As the CEO of the Millennial Movement brand and host of the top Millennial Movement podcast, Nguyen’s brand seeks to share the knowledge and advice he’s learned from multimillionaires, billionaires, and industry leaders for those millennials who also want to keep moving.
Embrace the Odds You’ve Faced
From dealing with Tourettes to facing jail time during a particularly rebellious period during his adolescence, Nguyen isn’t a stranger to defeating the odds, regardless of the possibilities. After all, without rough times, growth isn’t as bountiful. “One of my friends committed suicide in my hometown, and I was really depressed. That then eventually lead me to get caught up in drugs. I started smoking and selling weed. Two weeks after I turned 17, I got locked up for selling 2 pounds of weed and 2 unregistered firearms. If I was convicted, I would be locked up for 5 years, and I would still be in jail today. After getting out, I knew I had to change my life around, so I started reading personal development books and working with my parents and learning the ins and out about the business, and then the podcast was born.”
Engage With Your Inner Entrepreneur
Ricky has been an entrepreneur since some of the earliest days of his childhood, from starting profitable lemonade stands at the age of 7 to being involved in network marketing to flipping and selling sneakers. By the time he was 16, he had grown two businesses to be worth over $50,000, and had learned valuable lessons, such as “supply and demand, how to make profits, and communicating and networking with others as well.”
Learn From Failure
After getting in trouble for selling and using drugs, Nguyen had to find a way to propel himself into forward-moving success. He remembers seeing his mom visibly upset in the courtroom and realized that he needed to quickly learn from his failures and surround himself with the right people. “Surrounding yourself with mentors and other successful people will ultimately lead to your success. Who you are surrounded by is what you become, and that’s how I try to live every day.”
You Have a Reason for Being Here
Regardless of what you consider yourself to be, you matter, and that’s a big piece of Nguyen’s business model. After dealing with Tourettes for his entire life, Nguyen has come to terms with who he is and has let that him to follow his dreams. “Take me for a living example,” Ricky said. “I’m a kid with Tourettes that hosts a Top 150 business podcast, actively chasing my dreams every day with all the ups and downs I’ve been through. I want people to remember that, whether you have a physical disability, you’re disabled, you’re depressed, or you have injuries, obstacles, or odds that are against you, you should never stop chasing your dreams and going for what you believe in. God put all of us here for a purpose, so go fulfill your destiny and dreams.”
With Millennial Movement, Ricky Nguyen wants nothing more than to show millennials around the world that they’re capable, brilliant, and strong. By surrounding yourself with great mentors, using your weaknesses and failures as strengths, and engaging with your inner entrepreneur, you can make your own movement.
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