Among the large number of individuals chasing financial freedom is a growing minority of social entrepreneurs who are focused on solving some of the world’s biggest problems. Utilizing the latest technologies and innovation, they’re driven to make an impact that will transform our environment and lives for the better. Making money just isn’t enough for them they need to make meaning, improve the world at some capacity. Consider world-renowned billionaire Elon Musk as one of our greatest examples.
Just last month, Elon went on a Twitter rant about the awful traffic he was driving in.da
In just three hours, four tweets, and a bio update, Elon concluded that he was now also going to build tunnels to reduce traffic conjunction, because helping us reduce our carbon footprint and getting people into space, just wasn’t enough. People like Elon Musk have an obsession and passion for solving both the impossible and possible and has successfully made billions while doing so.
Now you may be intimidated by some of Elon Musk’s goals, but hear me out. There are millions of other problems, both big and small, are world needs us to solve. Take for example, social entrepreneur Walid Abdul-Wahab. While Walid may not be getting people into space or building tunnels, he is driven by the need to help people combat complex health problems.
Walid started his passion company, Desert Farms after learning that people in the Middle East and US were using camel milk to solve difficult health problems. Amazed by the taste and impact that it had on his own health during a trip to Saudi Arabia, Walid decided that he needed to find a way to share this camel milk with as many people as possible, especially in LA where he was living. Through working with various communities of Amish farmers in the US, Walid was able to successfully bring to market a dairy alternative to the health-focused consumers in Los Angeles and beyond. Walid, like most social entrepreneurs, feel responsible for making a positive impact on society.
So if you’re a passionate individual looking to make a change in our world, here are five reasons why you should consider making an impact with your product.
1. Consumers want to know you’re in the business of doing good.
People no longer care about just how good your product is. They want to know that your business practices are ethical and cause-driven. Look around and you’ll see that many big companies like Etsy, Ben & Jerry’s, and Patagonia are now B-Corps. A B Corporation is a for-profit company that is certified by the nonprofit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.
2. People want to make an impact through the products they purchase.
TOMS didn’t achieve success just because they make great shoes. Their business model was based on giving from the start, just look at their site description and you’ll see that impact is at the forefront for this company. Wouldn’t you rather buy a nice pair of shoes that will then benefit someone else, rather than an ordinary pair that will do nothing?
3. We need healthy and better alternatives.
Now more than ever, we’re more conscious about products, behaviors, and food that harm our bodies and environments.. Because of this, we now seek healthier and better alternatives. Whether it’s Desert Farm’s camel milk instead of cow’s milk, or a stand-up desk instead of sitting desk, people want to purchase products and services that will improve both their physical appearance and their state of mind. They’re also willing to pay more for these products than popular cheap things. Without products like these, we’ll continue to suffer.
4. If not us, then who?
We need more entrepreneurs to be obsessed about eliminating deadly diseases and helping people get out of poverty. Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, although super wealthy, can’t do it alone. Think about it; if we didn’t have large numbers of people fighting poverty and cancer, we wouldn’t have made advancements like establishing microloans for women in Africa, or even the conception of chemotherapy.
5. Lastly, it feels damn good.
Think about how you feel after helping someone transform their life, it’s a priceless feeling. Money alone won’t give you the same feeling because as humans we’re always seeking a bigger purpose. Waking up everyday knowing that you’re making the environment or someone’s life better is an amazing feeling. So go for it, start changing the world today. Imagine, you could be the next Tony Robbins or Elon Musk.
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