Samantha Saglibene On How It’s Important to Strike the Perfect Work-Life Balance

You hear it everywhere these days – “I get no time for myself anymore. Work consumes my weekdays entirely.”

Young entrepreneur Samantha Saglibene says, “You shouldn’t have to wait around till the end of the week every week, just to get some time to do the things you like. Life isn’t about jumping from weekend to weekend.”

Thoughtful words from a successful author, social media manager, and influencer. In this exclusive, she tells us how working on a work-life balance has helped drive her to even greater heights.

Creating the perfect work-life balance is like rewarding your health – both your physical and mental. In the United States, 25% of people say that their jobs are the number one stressor in their lives. This right here is a problem of humongous proportions.

Even while managing 3 major businesses at one time, Samantha Saglibene says that her life is largely manageable and stress-free. She attributes that to compartmentalization and striking a balance between work and personal life.

Spending long hours at your desk means your relationships take a big hit. And, no matter how strong you think it is, every relationship needs nurturing, without which, they are bound to suffer. Connections don’t happen overnight – you need to spend time with your loved ones in a bid to show that you care.

“Say, you worked for 12 hours a day last week. But how much did you really get done?”, Samantha Saglibene poses the bold question. “It might be time to do an honest evaluation.”

Time spent worrying about work gets counted as working. Instead, Samantha Saglibene advises you to spend that time doing things you enjoy. That helps you return to work feeling refreshed – which results in an increase in your productivity.

Even after achieving such mega levels of success in her professional life, Samantha Saglibene says that what she finds to be the most fulfilling is what comes at the end of each busy workday. By setting aside little time for herself to do things she loves, she went down a rewarding path of self-discovery.

“A balance between work and life is like a delicious cake, which you can have and eat, too!”

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