If your small business is feeling a little sluggish, or if you are thinking of finally kicking off that start-up, look no farther for your dose of positivity than Sasha Canady on TikTok. Sasha—a burst of energy with phenomenal confidence and evident knowledge of her craft— has ‘made it’ with her business, Servant Marketing Co. Now, she uses TikTok to reveal tips and tricks of the trade so others can ‘make it’ too.
Back to the beginning
A marketing and business coach by trade, Sasha helps small business owners build life-changing brands through marketing made human. Sasha started in the corporate marketing world working with Inc. 5000 brands but says she began to feel shackled by corporate politics and time-sucking processes. “I watched marketers be forced to spend more time on power points for their boss than learning how to better serve their customer,” says an irritated Sasha.
Knowing the next generation of marketers would be sorely unprepared for the real meat of their craft distressed her immensely. “I was tormented by the fact that the new marketing workforce would not understand the fundamentals of consumer-led marketing and the importance of creating an emotional connection with their customer,” adds Sasha.
This was when she realized there is a considerable gap when it comes to marketing and business education. “But the moment I knew I wanted to dive into entrepreneurship and create something of my own was when my boss told me to stop leading with my heart,” adds Sasha. She explains that she knew ‘leading with her heart’ was the only way she could approach business. If there’s no room for this philosophy where she was, she would have to make a space of her own. And so, Sasha decided not to work for someone else or just one person ever again. She would work for and serve ALL people. And that’s when her business, Servant Marketing Co., was born.
Some might say bucking the system was a risky move. But Sasha knew a business approach that puts customers first is the right thing to do, and so she didn’t waver from her decision. “I’d say the most notable thing in my career so far is publicly going against the grain of what some of the biggest business and marketing gurus are teaching their audience,” explains Sasha. Yet, she knew that redefining impactful marketing was necessary to build a brand that customers are pleased to support and the entrepreneur is proud to create.
Servant Marketing Co.
Sasha explains that the name Servant Marketing means marketing to serve before marketing to sell. “There are so many gurus and experts out there teaching the next generation to focus on the latest algorithm shifts and growth tactics to double sales OVERNIGHT. And there are not enough people talking about building a community and growing their brand through human connection,” states Sasha.
For Sasha, that’s all marketing is—talking to other humans, understanding their deepest desires, and solving their biggest problems. By talking and listening, Sasha says she can help grow their business to a level they can not reach with other marketing approaches.
Moving forward
With her dream business successfully up and running, Sasha works diligently to improve, help it grow, and serve her clients. Understanding the power of social media, Sasha dove headfirst into TikTok to build her brand. Giving tips and hacks any entrepreneur can use online has become one of her main communication mediums. “I grew my TikTok account to over 25,000 followers in 5 months using my business principles. This proves my followers really do want a no-nonsense, human approach to marketing and growing their business—and I’m here to provide that,” says Sasha.
Although TikTok is her go-to platform, like any expert marketer, Sasha uses other resources such as podcasts to reach the people who need her expertise. She recently went on “The Next Big Thing Podcast,” where she explained her human business approach.
Sasha Canady is blazing a trail, proving that doing the right thing is always the right thing—even in business. Check out her intriguing TikTok videos and her Servant Marketing website for more information on how you can trek that trail she’s forging.
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