SEO Expert Democratizes Storytelling – Creates Free – Paid Press Release Distribution System Offering White Label Press Releases

Since leaving his six-figure corporate job, an American entrepreneur based in Dallas has been helping small businesses. For small business owners who are struggling with brand awareness, generating leads and sales has been a challenge. Search engine optimization is a time-consuming process that requires money and effort.

Zaman says, “Chasing Google algorithms is something I didn’t want to do all of the time.” “After studying many business processes I created a sustainable brand awareness program called KISS PR Story. This cloud-based system allows you to tell your brand story in a way which creates awareness.

Transformation during COVID-19

KISS PR Brand Story, a private white-label platform developed by Qamar Zaman, was launched in March 2020. It allows small SEO companies to create their newswire services through the KISS PR news distribution system. Over 150 white-label partner companies have joined us. They are using our system to help grow their businesses, and increase their bottom line. We also give out FREE press releases each month to our white-label partners to help grow their business.

Our press release system has a lot to offer and large distribution networks such as, Digital Journal, MarketWatch, and large news affiliates websites over 1000 news outlets are part of our distribution networks.

Press Release Distribution with Podcasting Partnership

Additionally, Zaman is partnered with Mission Matters Podcast, a leading podcast host.  Mission Matters Podcast helps brands tell their stories through a large network of podcast news sites, including Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and over 30+ major media outlets. Qamar Zaman and Adam Torres have also announced a Marketing Masterclass for business owners to learn marketing strategies from the 25 years of combined experience of Zaman and Torres.

Checkout: Marketing Master Class: By Qamar Zaman – Hosted by Adam Torres

SEO Expert Qamar Zaman CEO of KISS PR

Content creators, authors, and music artists have all benefited from the company. KISS PR helps them boost their message, get measured results, and spend fractions of a dollar. Rene Perras, a legal marketing consultant, reports that most of my clients are seeing excellent results. Using the legal news system, he has increased brand visibility for high-end clients. I have benefited greatly from KISS PR legal newswire distribution.

My personal success was in working with NYC bicycle accident lawyer Glenn A. Herman. His first injury accident case was secured through KISS PR’s first press release, Herman obtained a six-figure settlement on the behalf of his client.” Rene Perras

A 21-year-old musician recently performed at the event. Joane$ To help millennials worldwide overcome depression and to find their purpose, he released Pain, Sacrifice, Ambition.

This small news distribution company has over 40K customers and distributes over 100,000 stories around the globe. It offers business owners a new light.

You can now start your storytelling with a FREE press release here

Follow Qamar Zaman @QamarZamanOffcial on Instagram All your questions will be answered by him personally.

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