It can be easy to overlook the importance of our thoughts and mindsets when pursuing a path to financial security. Oftentimes, what we think about and tell ourselves is just as important for our wellness and success as the new skills we learn, the food we eat, and the media we’re exposed to.
Meet Parmeet Kainth, an entrepreneur and mindset coach who has created his own successful business focused on helping the masses achieve their financial goals through education and mentorship while instilling the value of our own thinking as a driver for the results we desire.
Born and raised in Long Island, New York, Parmeet’s first employment was also his introduction to entrepreneurship when he joined a health and wellness organization right out of high school. There he gained a positive experience working with people who pushed him to achieve his potential in the realm of network marketing.
Parmeet attended Suffolk County Community College where he acquired his associate’s degree in Business Management.
After graduating college, eager to continue his pursuit of financial freedom as his own boss with an off-grid lifestyle, Parmeet jumped back into the entrepreneurial driver’s seat when he was introduced to a new network marketing opportunity in January of 2020.
Taking his prior knowledge and experience in leadership, sales, and team-building in a people-oriented business, Parmeet hit the ground running and created his own organization called Trade Nation, focused on bringing financial literacy and new opportunities to the masses.
When discussing the concept behind his business, Parmeet says:
“Through Trade Nation the main objective is to make an impact by helping people earn more income. This is a solution for people that currently just feel like they’re floating through life, not sure of what exactly it is they want to do. That’s unfortunately really common with this generation where there’s pressure to follow a traditional way of life where you get an education to get a 9-5 job.
Some people want more in life but may not have access to the right opportunity or the financial means to pursue it if it does arise. Through Trade Nation, we’re giving the average individual a cost-effective opportunity to reach new heights through education in a variety of fields such as investing, trading, and starting a business, that they can learn from the comfort of their home or anywhere around the world”.
Currently, Trade Nation is spread across the United States and Canada, with expansion in progress in Europe. Parmeet has created a culture of inclusivity and goal-oriented thinking, where individuals across the globe are able to connect through a common platform while sharing diverse experiences and perspectives.
As a firm believer that with hard work, determination, and true willpower you can overcome any obstacle, Parmeet instills these same values in his team to create unstoppable leaders and entrepreneurs. Parmeet says that although the odds may not always be in your favour, keeping the end goal in mind is crucial during tough times.
“The question I ask myself every day is ‘what is my end goal and how do I plan to accomplish it?’ If I hit a road bump, am I going to fall backward or am I going to fall forwards by treating each loss as a lesson? When you hit that low, you have to be the same person you were when you’re at the all-time high and be aware in the moment that it’s just temporary – it won’t be like that forever,” says Parmeet.
Building a business and being in a leadership position over a large team has not come without strife, adversity, and perseverance. Growing up, Parmeet says that coming from India he faced bullying and racism but did not allow it to interfere with his determination for greatness. He learned early on at a very low point in his life, that your energy has a large impact on your mindset, wellbeing, and growth.
Parmeet remained neutral in difficult situations, studying his mentors and role models, and worked in silence to achieve his success, focusing on aligning his daily habits with his goals.
Parmeet has accomplished truly great things thus far and is leading by example in learning to use our own mindset as our biggest motivator. Parmeet says a pivotal moment in his entrepreneurial journey was being given the opportunity to be mentored by Bob Proctor, which allowed him to see the bigger picture of where he can go with his business.
Parmeet participated in one of Bob Proctor’s programs called TIR, which stands for Thinking Into Results.
When discussing the value he gained from the program, Parmeet says:
“We can become so subconsciously locked in on what we do on a daily basis that we don’t stop and think beyond that. I found the true potential within myself to keep moving forward. I started believing a lot more in myself and seeing a lot more of what I could do, and that’s when my business turned around. We started booming in a lot bigger ways because my confidence and my overall vision was bigger than it had ever been before”.
Taking the wealth of knowledge and experience he has gained through mentorship and growing his own businesses as a serial entrepreneur, Parmeet is extremely qualified to bring his team to new heights of success as they continue to master their mindsets and new income-generating skills, putting their energy in the right place to attain financial freedom.
In closing, Parmeet shares his best advice for the aspiring entrepreneur:
“Always write your goals down on a card and keep that card with you everywhere you go – hold that conceptual idea of what you want every day”.
Read. “Not only books about your business, but books about personal development, books that will help you step into the next level of who you can really become”.
“Meditation helps create positive energy that keeps you focused and grounded”.
“All your life issues, you can think about all those little details and pictures, but when it comes to thinking about your future goals, it’s hard to imagine because it hasn’t been built yet. That’s why really developing the image of what you want is crucial to staying focused in achieving it”.
Connect with Parmeet Kainth on his Instagram page @parmeetthegreat.
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