Sharay Hayes ‘The Punisher’ from VH1’s ‘I Love Money’ is Enterprising His Way to the Top

Sharay Hayes is more than an exotic dancer, performance artist, and male model redefining industry standards today; he’s a lean, mean serial entrepreneur and enterprising personality who is winning adoring fans around the world through social media.

As a real estate entrepreneur, NYC personality and public figure, and an ‘American Renaissance Man’ known for being The Punisher in the popular VH1 Reality TV show, I Love Money, Sharay is proving that people can have it all if they work hard enough for it.

The Eclectic Businessman

Sharay isn’t afraid to walk into a room and command attention, bringing forth one of the most eclectic mixes of business imaginable. He is an entrepreneur, The Punisher on the exotic dancing stage with an electric presence that is hard to ignore, a realty TV show star who is currently making headlines internationally for his recent performances, and a cultural icon who is very successful because he knows what he wants, and he goes out and gets it. As those closest to Sharay say, ‘he follows his instincts and doesn’t let any negativity hold him back from his potential.’

Today, Sharay is heralded as one of the most popular male strippers in North America right now, called ‘Punisher’ by locals who are obsessed with his knack for performance. As a strapping 6 foot 2-inch-tall man, with 7-percent body fat, lean muscles, and an infectious presentation, Sharay is maturely 47-years-old and just getting started.

Despite growing up as the ‘shy’ kid in Harlem, Sharay learned to work through his past traumas and find business in the most unlikely of places. First stumbling into a strip club to see his ex-girlfriend who left him heartbroken in high school, it was in that moment when Sharay had unlocked a world of performance that would make him a star. Going onto perform 7,000 shows for anyone in attendance, Sharay stepped into his personal power that now can be detected in every single business venture he embraces today.

Ambitious, driven, and unapologetic in the pursuit of his passions and dreams, Sharay says, ‘you can’t teach ambition, but anyone can rethink and reexamine the way they perfect life, work, and money. You can find opportunities in places that once seemed too far out of reach. Fortune favors the bold, and, in my opinion, it always will.’ Personally reevaluating the life he was living and working past any shyness that had once gripped him, Sharay was able to change his outlook, his drive, and his determination, and wants everyone to know that they can achieve a similar feat if the reevaluate how they think.


Extending Empowerment

Despite the global pandemic and industry setbacks that have resulted from the changes, Sharay is still hitting the screen and the stage with the same tenacity that he had years ago, showing people that there is room for enterprising in the ‘new normal.’ He wants people to feel empowered and comfortable to get out there and make their dreams a reality.

For more information regarding the Punisher, visit his Instagram: @getpunished or his website:

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