This Simple 3 Step SEO Formula Will Help You Run a Multi-Million Dollar Digital Agency

With digital marketing being a crucial component of any business in today’s time, there are many components to focus on, whether that be social media, traffic, copy writing, and many others. However, one crucial piece that most people don’t consider or have a grasp on is SEO—Search Engine Optimization.

With many people considering themselves to be marketing or social media experts in an industry full of fake marketers and entrepreneurs, it can be quite difficult to overcome and interpret the misinformation that is disguised as valuable information.

The saying goes that, You will be paid according to the value you provide to the marketplace.”

One vital skill to learn is SEO.

Having been in an industry full of “marketers” who complicate the term and the steps required to achieve increased ranking on Google, it can be quite difficult to understand and interpret why you went from the first page of Google to the 3rd or 4th page.

Like your health needs to be maintained through proper diet and training, SEO rankings and websites need to be constantly maintained in a similar manner. You should be constantly increasing your site’s value, whether that be through content or external news outlets that validate your existence in the marketplace.

Kotton Grammer is an SEO Marketing Expert that has worked with clients like Tai Lopez and Bob Proctor. He has his own digital marketing agency that makes tens of millions of dollars by heavily focusing on SEO and by driving results for his clients. Furthermore, he currently is one of the coaches of the renowned marketing course OMG Machine which focuses heavily on SEO training and on educating users on how to drive results for their clients. Not only can Fortune-500 companies benefit from the use of these techniques, but small businesses can also utilize these very techniques to help educate consumers about their businesses.

For two years in a row, he has been able to rank number one as an SEO expert using keywords like, “Chicago SEO” and “Tokyo SEO” to display the fact that he is truly the best and a master of his craft. Not only is it important to have the major keywords your customers are using to search, but it is also important to understand that keywords will change. Furthermore, it is important to stay up to date on the changes so you will be able to drive results for your business and clients.

Selling SEO is like selling real estate, it is all about three things: location, location, location. Similarly, the more visible your business is in the Google rankings, the more it acts as a proxy for you to have longevity and visibility in the market.

Do you think SEO is dead?  According to Search Engine Island, SEO spending will increase to $80-billion by 2020, which is a projected 92 percent increase over the next three years. Let’s look at how to crush it.

Provide Relevant Content to Your Market

Anyone can put out content, but if that content is not relevant to your personal brand or your business, then it is practically useless.

The first step is to understand that content is important and the keywords that are needed to optimize that content are crucial as well. These keywords must be in place so when people are searching for your business, those people can find you. Think of SEO like a popularity contest in high school. If you’re friends with the cool kids like the athletes and cheerleaders, people will know more about you and talk about you because of the people you are associated with.

Make sure if you are a lawyer or your client is a lawyer that they have content that is related to legal frameworks and not information like how big Kim Kardashian’s butt is. It is also important to understand that while you may not have been the popular guy /girl in high school, in business: branding and popularity is everything.

When a potential customer decides to search for a restaurant, you want your client’s page to rank on the 1st page of Google because most people don’t go far into the 2nd page of Google, let alone the 3rd page.

Get People Talking about You

The second step is to get people talking about your content because in a world of technology where algorithms are constantly changing on different search engines like Google, it is important to ensure that you always have people talking about your business. Google will be able to prioritize that versus your competitors.  For example, having backlinks from major news outlets like CNBC, Entrepreneur, Inc. and Forbes will enhance your credibility and visibility in the market. If you get the masses talking about your content and are able to remain relevant to people year over year, you will constantly be able to rank high in Google and other search engines.

Massive Traffic

Third, people consider funnels to be the holy grail of marketing, but they fail to understand that without traffic funnels are absolutely useless. Yes, people undervalue the importance of traffic, whether it be organic or paid Without traffic, SEO rankings wouldn’t exist. Being able to drive traffic that converts is grossly underestimated and is important when trying to rank your pages on the first page of Google.

Driving traffic from different social media outlets like LinkedIn, blogs, PR articles and many more will assist in increasing your rankings and producing results.  The more traffic that is driven to your website, the higher your chances increase of potential customers buying from you.

The reason SEO can be a great tool to determine if someone is truly a master of their craft is because people can lie about being an expert or claim that they are the best, but the numbers never lie.

Kotton says, “SEO can’t be faked, it is tried and tested” and is one of the markers of an individual who is great at their craft. People could lie about their  incomes, but they can’t lie about their SEO rankings.”

In summary, relevant content, people talking about your brand and traffic are the major keys for SEO rankings.

However, the three skills needed to master SEO are understanding the technical elements of SEO, being creative with the keywords and your methods, and being able to have a model that you can duplicate so your business is constantly ranked on the 1st page of Google and better than your competitors.

To learn more about Kotton Grammer and SEO, you can visit

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