Specialist3ffect: Approaching Music As An Evolutionary Artist

Philadelphia based r&b and hip-hop artist Specialist3ffect has been producing music since he was 12-years-old. Even when he didn’t have all the resources Specialist3ffect found a way to make music. “I’ve always found a way to make music even when I didn’t have the resources,” said Specialist3ffect. “Just finding an outlet to express my ideas is what got me to where I am today.” After years of grinding, the artist released music in 2018.

Specialist3ffect decided to start pursuing a career in music because of an almost fluke. After coming home from school, he sat on his computer waiting for his online video games to load. Along the way, Specialist3ffect came across an ad that played a song by Pharrell, and instantly fell in love with the song. Crossing paths with the music spurred Specialist3ffect’s curiosity. He came up with his stage name and then downloaded an FL Studio Demo. “The rest was history”, said Specialist3ffect.

As an independent artist, Specialist3ffect has been listened to by thousands of people across the country. His whole catalog on Spotify has been streamed more than 150K times, with his lead singles amassing a large portion of those listens.

Specialist3ffect has been making steady progress in his career, and says his greatest achievement is just having people support him. “My greatest achievement as a musician is simply having fans. Having people out there in the world that actually vibe with sounds that came from my mind. Shit makes me smile man,” said Specialist3ffect.

While Specialist3ffect hasn’t released any new music yet this year, his supporters are expecting new music soon.

You can listen to Specialist3ffect here:


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