The road to entrepreneurship is often a treacherous one filled with unexpected detours, roadblocks and dead ends. Despite all of these hardships, entrepreneurs embark on this journey determined to bring their vision to fruition and fill a need they see in society, believes Rishab Mittal a 26 year old successful businnessman from the small town of Bhopal in MP, India.
His conviction, determination and vigorous efforts have not not only proven to be profitable for his business endeavours but have also brought them to new heights. He staunchly believes that entrepreneurship is about blazing new trails, about believing in yourself, your mission, and inspiring others to join you in the journey.
What sets entrepreeurs apart is the will, courage and sometimes recklessness to actually do it. “To be a successful entrepreneur, you need perseverance. Most successful business people or entrepreneurs have never given up on their idea. When challenges arise, they have found innovative ways of overcoming them”, he says.
Rishab’s vision is guided by a desire to create something that outlasts him. He’s ventured into diverse fields when it comes to expanding his business like mining, electronics, construction, real estate, food industries and medical eqipments and infrastructure.
The 26 year old young lad associates the diversity in his business ventures to the diverse interests and hobbies he has acquired during the course of his life so far. Rishab not only has had a knack for entrepreneurial endeavours but takes equal interest in sports and fitness.
Apart from grinding in work all day, Mr. Mittal also enjoys cooking and trying out different quisines as well as singing and dancing. It is safe to say that he is always the life of the party.
Mr. Mittal considers entrepreneurship as fundamentally the art and science of building profitable systems to help people in ways that other systems do not. The core competency of the entrepreneur is not business acumen or marketing ability but rather empathy – the ability to understand the feelings and needs of others.
Because of this thought process and belief system, Mr. Mittal stood up and helped the people in need by being in the forefront during the whole COVID 19 pandemic so far. He opened a hospital with 1000 beds for the medical urgency in the country. He contributed towards distribution of masks, fed numerous road side animals, donated oxygen cylinders and oxymeteres.
He also owns the Shri Parmeshwaral Mittal charitable trust and the Khwahishey group of Katni. He possesses that constant hunger for making things better in every possible way he can.
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