Born in Los Angeles, CA, Tama Leia grew up around the film and fashion industries and had the good fortune of being surrounded by many influential and inspiring artists of all kinds.
Throughout the years, she graced countless movie sets and shared her ideas and creative influences to an abundance of different projects. She lent her hand to acting, producing, directing, singing, and most prominently writing: all of which led her to create something that was her very own, the building of her company.
Tama Leia’s company focuses on giving back to others with every action she takes. In addition to working with designers in France, Italy, and the United Kingdom her company makes it a point to give opportunities to inhabitants of developing countries.
As an educator, she believes in raising awareness of worldly conditions through acts of kindness and good deeds. Her upbringing is a clue to her philosophy.
She is perpetually inspired by her family, who are active members of the community: Her mother is a writer and educator and was indoctrinated into the Educator’s Hall of Fame in 2018 and earned a Lifetime Achievement award for her contributions in the field of Education in 2019.
Her father is an accomplished engineer with many patents for his ideas and he has created many technological advancements in the field of Science. Tama Leia’s grandmother, Ms. Stauffer earned her doctorates degree and worked as a professor. She would often travel to Sierra Leone, West Africa to help children who did not have access to schools. Tama loved watching the clips of her grandmother teaching little children in the small villages and she is greatly inspired by how much her family cares about others
It makes sense why she holds education so near and dear to her heart and why helping others has always played a big role in her life
With all the success her company will bring perhaps the most important thing for her to do is to always continue give back to others. She loves Mother Teresa’s quote:
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”
Those are words that Tama Leia lives by.
Follow Tama Leia on Social Media
Twitter: @tamaleia
Instagram: @tama.leia & @tamaleialuxe
Photo Credit: Theta Creata/Tim Sabatino
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