We all want to leave a lasting impression during our time on Earth. For Taylor Hierro, her imprint is made through the people she helps and the fulfilling lifestyle she created for herself through entrepreneurship. Seeking purpose throughout her life, Taylor’s story of leaving her comfort zone and entering her growth zone is truly inspirational. She has now created a flourishing business centered around mentoring others to find their purpose, instilling in them the importance of goal setting and gratitude in designing a life of abundance.
Born and raised in Guymon Oklahoma, Taylor’s first job was in retail during high school which helped her gain an understanding of the importance of money management. Taylor attended the University of Oklahoma, completing her Associate’s degree in biology, however before completing her last two years of school, Taylor realized that climbing the corporate ladder was not what she envisioned for her future.
When discussing her interest in entrepreneurship that grew as she experimented in 9-5 employment, Taylor says:
As I was pursuing my college education, I realized I was not necessarily moving towards a goal. My mom had always worked at a doctor’s office, so it was something I felt comfortable pursuing. I thought I wanted to be in the medical field, so that’s why I pursued biology. However, as I got through the first two years and received my associate’s, I realized I wasn’t as committed to it as I thought I was. From there, I was working odd jobs and realized that now I know what I don’t want to do. Entrepreneurship was introduced to me by my fiance and when he said he wanted to be an entrepreneur, I didn’t even know what that word meant…but I figured it out and it stuck.
With the seed of being her own boss planted in her mind, Taylor watered the idea, coming up with creative ways to build a business that would replace a traditional 9-5 job. Shortly thereafter, that seed grew into the opportunity of network marketing, and has now blossomed into Taylor’s fully grown business in her namesake. Taylor educates individuals on trading in the financial markets and personally mentors her team to become capable business owners and entrepreneurs themselves.
When discussing the concept behind her business, Taylor says:
“We provide resources and education through consulting and coaching on financial literacy, while helping individuals create additional sources of income for themselves. This platform is centered around helping others find their purpose, whether it’s to create a business, become an entrepreneur, pursue their passion, or help others in some way. Ultimately we’re helping people really define what it is that they want for themselves today and in the future.”
In addition to bringing the tools required to achieve financial security through multiple sources of income, Taylor is also involved with the Proctor-Gallagher Institute where she hosts seminars as a consulting coach. Taylor’s focus in this venture is to help aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners create a structured business plan complete with short and long term goals.
Taylor then coaches her students through their own journey of personal development, helping them gain the necessary skill sets to align their actions with achieving their goals as efficiently as possible. With a plan of action in place to build their futures, Taylor says her own personal business can then give them the resources required to help fund the achievement of their goals with the capital they’re able to earn.
To date, Taylor has grown to include over 500 clients and students, spanning the globe, from the United States to Puerto Rico and Europe. In addition to ‘successful business owner’, Taylor has many titles that she wears proudly, each role with the same goal: abundance for not only herself, but in the service she dedicates to others.
Personally, my main objective is to be wealthy and abundant in every aspect of my life, whether as a business owner, a stay-at-home mom, a parent, a wife. I work on progressing daily towards my highest potential. Professionally, I strive to impact everybody that I meet and serve them with impeccable service and contribution – really leaving my print in this lifetime is my main objective.
As the owner of a business centered around financial literacy and setting and achieving goals in personal development and business, Taylor drew inspiration for her current endeavours from her past experiences as an adolescent growing up in a middle class family. Taylor says a lack of goal-setting which ultimately led to a lack of ambition was detrimental to her mental health. Deciding to make changes to her environment is what helped her get through what could have been a life-threatening situation.
“I was raised in a small town and I wasn’t very inspired by much – I didn’t have many goals or aspirations for my future and I had become stagnant. A pivotal moment for me was realizing my lack of desire to live and that scared me being so young and understanding that I had no idea who I was. Making the decision to change my environment, move out of my comfort zone of my hometown, the only place I had ever known, and moving to a much bigger city, like Dallas, Texas, really helped me realize how much more purpose I wanted to seek. Being surrounded by new people who had very big goals inspired me. That’s what helped me to really start seeking more for myself. I made the conscious decision to never go a day without doing something that contributes to my purpose and being truly grateful for the life I live,” says Taylor.
As a strong and independent businesswoman, mentor, mother and wife, Taylor continues to expand her reach in helping aspiring entrepreneurs move closer and closer to success one goal at a time. Her best advice for aspiring entrepreneurs? Set your goals!
Taylor’s entire mindset changed when she took the time to focus on the legacy she wanted to leave behind. Like Taylor exemplifies through her own journey and that of those she coaches, our life will truly begin when we step out of our comfort zone and into our growth zone.
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