The 9 Laws of Business and Life

The laws of business that are mentioned in this article are basic, common sense rules that most readers have already heard of in one form or the other from their boss, parents, or even teachers.

These laws can be applied to anyone’s life, business, or work for a company.


Law 1: ” You Will Get What You Give”


You must have heard the saying, “ hard work pays off”. It is a true statement. By rewarding an employee with praise, financial bonuses, or paid vacations etc. you will make them a lot happier and productive. Because of this, they will work even harder for your business in the future. This can be vital and important to your company’s success.


Law 2: ” It Is Easy to Stop One Guy, but Very Difficult to Stop 100″


This law focuses on the benefits of teamwork. The power of more than one person working together towards a common goal is far greater than an individual person. Teamwork will enable everyone to participate, get recognition and complete the task in a much more efficient and effective way. This law and the first one go hand in hand as one happy employee or 100 happy employees will be beneficial to the company’s success.


Law 3: “What Goes Around Comes Around”


This is a famous quote that almost everyone has heard of. Everything you say or do in a company can have an impact on others. As a boss, if you show negativity within your team then it can have a negative impact on the work, which will have negative consequences towards your business. Create a positive work environment and speak good words amongst your team.


Law 4: “You Do What You Got to Do”


This approach is not only about creating an atmosphere of getting things done but is also about creating an atmosphere of looking at things creatively. If you are faced with challenges and obstacles, you still need to work to move forward. Not giving up and simply doing what has to be done to accomplish your goals is a mindset that shows your true potential and empowers you and the people around you.


Law 5: “You Gotta Wanna”


People have to be interested in what they are doing to actually continue to do it. If they don’t want to do something, they will not do it. That is nothing new. However, in order to make people want to do a certain work, you have to make them understand the importance of their task. Show them how their stake is valuable and important to the organization and without them they cannot proceed further. Once you instill this thinking amongst your company, everyone will “wanna” work.


Law 6: “You Can Fool the Fans, but You Cannot Fool the Players”


The upper management of a company always knows more about the state of the company than the employees or even the customers. This law means that if the company is going through turmoil then everyone needs to show a positive image and not give away their weaknesses. The customer does not need to know about the problems of the company; they should only know about the strengths.


Law 7: “When You Raise the Bottom, the Top Will Rise”


Everyone has a role within the company; be it lower management or upper management. They both work hand in hand. If one of the management shows any sign of negativity or trouble then it can have an impact throughout the organization. Happy, confident employees make for a happy and confident boss.


Law 8: “When People Set Their Targets, They Usually Hit Them”


This law and the fifth law are quite similar. If a person sets a personal goal, they tend to try to accomplish it. A good organization will allow their employees to set their own goals and targets and will step back to let them work towards the goal so they can accomplish it. This law will allow the employees to feel that their bosses trust them, which will bring about a positive mindset amongst the team.


Law 9: “If Nobody Pays Attention, People Stop Caring”


This is one of the most basic laws of human nature and it can be related to business as well. Recognizing and acknowledging your employee’s contribution to a company is essential and one of the best ways to let them know that they matter and are indisposable. If the boss does not acknowledge an employee, then the employee will not acknowledge the work he has to do or the company as a whole.


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