Embracing your feminine energy and allowing the harmony of your truest essence to flow through you, is simple in theory. If you can commit to leaning in, you will discover an amplification of your voice, your magnetism, and wealth attraction. Ironically, that is what makes it so complex.
One of the biggest challenges facing today’s high-achieving, Type A women, is getting past the idea that embracing their feminine energy equates to ritualistic bubble baths and dancing around a fire on a weekend wilderness retreat. It might seem counterproductive to their bold ambition and vision, yet something about it can often also seem deeply intuitive.
Gabrielle Bernstein, New York Times Best Selling Author of eight books, International Speaker, and founder of the Spirit Junkie Movement, is one of the early pioneers of exploring the power of feminine energy.
She stepped into her power through meditation, cultivating balance and giving her life over to a power greater than herself. Her spiritual awakening led to her impacting Millions of women all over the Globe.
Bernstein – “I think that there is an unconscious urgency to ‘wake up’ fast because women, especially entrepreneurs feel they must show up in a very high level, especially now”
It is this ‘unconscious urgency’ that steals our ability as women today, to embody our truest selves.
Recently some influential women pulled back the curtain on defining what feminine energy is to them, why you need it, and their favorite ways of tapping into it!
Lilith Moon: Debunking the Myth of Perfection
Moon believes that feminine energy is our creative energy and power to receive in overflow. However, as type A, high achieving women, in order to tap into it, we must learn how to relax back into ourselves, give to ourselves first and foremost, and burst the bubble of needing to look a certain way.
Lilith Moon is a shamanic healer, holistic business coach, and creator of Shamanic Yoga. She lives in the Balinese jungle with her son Lou. Moon used to be cut off from her feelings in an endless pursuit of repeatedly doing more until ‘perfect’. Embodying your feminine power is about taking aligned, heartfelt, soulful action.
One of Moon’s favorite rituals to tap into your intuition, so you’ll know what actions to take:
Start with 3 sets of moon salutations outdoors in the evening, then sit down and recite the “Adi Shakti” mantra, which evokes “Shakti,” the primal feminine power and the creative energy of the universe. After a few minutes, sit in silence and focus on your heart space to receive guidance. Each of these steps can also be performed as a stand-alone ritual.
Sandra O’Brien: Releasing Hard Work for Harmony
Sandra O’Brien is a former Litigation Attorney turned Best Selling Author, Mentor, and Healer. She helps women reclaim their personal power, and transform their lives by reconnecting them with aspects of themselves that have been either suppressed or neglected. She is the creator of the empowerment method, ‘Divine Feminine Warrior Goddess’, contributing author of the bestselling book ‘Women Gone Wild’, and author of her forthcoming book, ‘Reclaim Your Crown’.
She has lived the masculine-dominated Corporate world of hard work and fierce competition. It drove her to antidepressants, ended her 25-year marriage, and led Sandra to embark on a journey of self-discovery and harmony.
As Clarissa Pinkola Estés says “The things that women reclaim are often their own voice, their own values, their imagination, their clairvoyance, their stories, their ancient memories. If we go for the deeper, and the darker, and the less known we will touch the bones.”
In order for us to do that, self-leadership becomes the driving force and fundamental requirement to releasing the hard work as a Woman today and consciously choosing to reclaim the feminine within. Sandra says ‘it’s important for us to understand and reconnect with the massive power and potential of our feminine energy. They are a complement to Masculine energies – we have-and need to be using and valuing both. By doing so in a mindful way, we can bring balance back to all aspects of life – relationships, business, education, politics, and the earth’.
Her biggest piece of advice:
You will know when you are out of balance, your body and mind will show you. Be willing to listen. The misalignment in your life is a signal to lean back and embrace the uncomfortable yet beautiful transition into harmony.
Feminine energy is the natural energy of flow, creation, feeling, connection, intuition, collaboration and is heart-centered. It is life energy! I tap into this energy daily by asking myself, “What does my heart desire today?” It may be a walk in nature, dancing to music, inner reflection and journaling, or creating beauty with flowers. It is connecting with what moves me and taps into my feelings. I nourish myself first so that I can bring my highest and best-balanced self forward into the world.
In Closing
The complexity in embracing our truest essence and feminine energy as today’s Women exists in the transition. In the transition and transformation from what we have come to know, what has become our default which is perfectionism and people-pleasing through excessive hustling and adopting the masculine structures to a more harmonic, empowered, and ease-ful state of being.
What we are witnessing is that being a ‘Spirit Junkie’ and giving way to a more energetically aligned way of living creates a bigger impact, inner fulfillment, and the ability to expand and receive more wealth. Something that we all desire more of!
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