According to the CDC, heart disease, cancer, and strokes killed 1,666,780 people in 2021 alone. If you or someone you love is over 40, there is a 65% chance that one of you has a life-threatening disease you don’t know about yet because it’s asymptomatic or undetected.
Let’s first reframe deadly diseases and illnesses as detectable, preventable, and treatable.
Over the past 11 years, Steve Marler and his company, Advanced Body Scan have scanned over 65,000 people and saved countless lives.
There are no needles, no dyes, and no invasive procedures. It’s completely painless. You lay down on a comfortable bed for four minutes and a board-certified radiologist reviews your scan.
If something is identified on the scan, the medical team talks to you immediately and makes direct introductions to doctors in their database.
No more waiting for weeks or months to get the treatment you need. As a stage 3a cancer survivor, I know exactly how frustrating this can be. I might have saved myself 2 years of lost time, major surgery, 4 months of chemotherapy and 33 radiation treatments if I would have known about Steve’s technology and early detection system.
Steve lost his mom to late-stage diagnosed breast cancer several years ago. Amidst the overwhelming grief of losing a parent, he suffered incredible guilt wishing he could have done more.
“I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. There’s nothing worse than watching someone you love die,” Steve shares.
That is why he founded Advanced Body Scan. He wants to prevent this from happening to anyone else.
He came across the technology about 12 years ago and thought, “We could use this to look inside the body and find the tell-tale signs of heart disease, cancer, and other deadly illnesses.” No one was doing that at the time.
Computed Tomography, or “CT” technology, has gone through revolutionary improvements since its inception in the 1980s, with the greatest advancements taking place in the last decade. The radiation levels are now next to nothing.
“There needs to be more preventive screening. The technology out there today is literally the Starship Enterprise compared to where it was just a couple of decades ago.”
Steve’s team even designed and submitted provisional patents on screening protocols that are so good, other companies are adopting and licensing them.
“I want everybody to have them. I don’t want to own them, “ Steve explains.
The 360 body scan screens all major organs and can detect things like heart disease, many cancers, and other major systemic illnesses before they are symptomatic or detectable by traditional methods.
The body is a miraculous machine. If you have one of these diseases, it compensates, sometimes for many years. In one case, they identified cancer in a patient’s body that had been growing for probably eight years. She was asymptomatic.
In the United States, you must be symptomatic for physicians to order tests because of insurance and procedural practice limitations, but as we all know, early detection saves lives.
Dr. Crook, an Advanced Body Scan client, only had a few symptoms. He ran the largest emergency room in the largest hospital system in Oklahoma for over 30 years, but like many, he procrastinated about finding out what was causing his symptoms.
Steve literally dragged him to the machine one day and in the same day, the radiologist called and said, “You need to get this guy in today.”
Not only did Dr. Crook have a blockage, but he also needed a quintuple bypass. Today, he’s out riding his motorcycle and doing great. The scan likely saved him from a life-threatening heart attack.
Another top physician came in and while he was being scanned, Steve went to check on the physician’s wife in the waiting room. He offered her a scan. A short while later, the radiologist called and said he needed to talk to both of them. The doctor had prostate cancer and his wife had kidney cancer, but neither of them had any visible symptoms. The couple was stunned, to say the least. Both received treatment and are alive and well today.
Steve has countless stories like this. People’s lives have been extended and their quality of life improved because they were scanned early and got treatment. Many choose to get scanned regularly now, purchasing scans in packages. A first scan establishes a baseline to compare against future scans over the months and years making it easier to identify any changes.
I believe if I had this scan before I had stage 3a colon cancer, I might still have half my colon and saved myself a lot of pain and misery. In case I haven’t said it enough, early detection saves lives. Watch my entire interview with Steve and find out how to get your Advanced Body Scan. It could save your or the life of someone you love.
I’m writing this article literally on my way to get tested today!
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