Do you have a hobby that you’re wanting to turn into a side-hustle? Or do you already have a side-hustle, and want to take it further and turn it into a full-time job? Are you present on social media, but unsure how to strategically use it to promote your business? What if I told you that Jera Foster-Fell was just like you at one point? In only five years, Foster-Fell went from drowning in a soul-sucking job that gave her no defined purpose, whilst also suffering from social anxiety, to owning a multiple six-figure business and dominating the lifestyle sector of social media. Feeling inspired? You should be.
Crowning herself as the queen of pivoting, Foster-Fell went from being a graphic designer, to a Soul Cycle instructor, to a content creator before finally finding her passion as an Instagram strategist. Known to her fans as Jera Bean, Foster-Fell has managed to grow her Instagram to more than 175,000 followers and her TikTok account to over a massive 600,000 followers, and she wants to show you how to do the same.
With her immense experience and success, Foster-Fell’s current passion is teaching all that she’s learned to others with her signature course, The Social Media Saloon. Foster-Fell coaches on the ins and outs of creating your own personal brand online, the secrets to building a loyal and engaged community, and all the steps that it takes to use social media as a positive tool to drive your business’ success.
“I was an influencer for years before becoming a social media coach, so not only do I talk the talk, but I walk the walk,” Foster-Fell says. “I know what it takes to build your brand online and foster a community first hand.” And I would have to agree with her here.
Foster-Fell created her course The Social Media Saloon in early 2020 and in only six months, it has become a hugely successful six-figure business. “My course, and my individual one-on-one coaching sessions, are important for people and brands in general as social media has become such a huge part of our lives and businesses,” claims Foster-Fell. What Foster-Fell has to offer is more important now than ever during these trying times, as people are having to pivot and take their brands and services online.
There are tons of social media courses out there, but The Social Media Saloon sets itself apart from the rest. The key difference with Foster-Fell’s course is that for three months, she is working alongside you every step of the way. Between the weekly mentoring calls, she has created a private Facebook for other like-minded entrepreneurial women to cheer each other on and help drive daily accountability and constructive feedback. “I’m going to be holding your hand for ninety days straight as you learn to completely master social platforms,” promises Foster-Fell.
Starting off as an influencer, and using that experience to become one of the most successful social media strategy coaches, there is no doubt that you’ll be in good hands with Foster-Fell.
If you’d like to learn more about Foster-Fell and her work, check her out on Instagram @jera.bean.
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