Fitting into your favourite dress or having a perfect beach body requires sheer determination and discipline towards workout. Living life on a healthy note and inspiring thousands of people to walk on the path of fitness has seen Ray Wetterlund III become a significant name in the fitness world. The celebrity fitness trainer is based out of San Diego and has a lot of celebrity clients from La Jolla. Being in this industry for more than ten years, Ray has transformed many lives with his workout and diet regime.
The trainer holds a degree in Kinesiology and is a licensed and certified personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach (CSCS) and a sports nutritionist. Ray has very often revealed that a perfect body is an amalgamation of sincere workout and a proper diet. He says, “It is all about being consistent and true to yourself. Treat your workout as your girlfriend or boyfriend so you can never cheat on it. The time you invest in your body now will reflect in your future years.” Ray even stated that exercises and physical activity should be prioritized first over other things.
For his magnificent contribution to the fitness industry in San Diego, the fitness trainer was earlier awarded for his 1000+ calorie-burning RW3 Boot Camp. “One thing to keep in mind is patience. Just like Rome was not built in a day, even you won’t build a perfect physique in a day. It is a continuous process and consistent efforts towards achieving your fitness goal. Keep grinding until you make it”, added the trainer. Ray who enjoys a great fan following on social media has more than 20 million fans and is still going strong.
When asked about defining a healthy lifestyle, Ray stated that it is all about being fit on different levels – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. “All are interlinked to each other and you must practice and exercise daily to maintain stability for a better well being”, Ray quoted. Along with fitness, the celebrated trainer believes to take proper rest and adequate sleep. To what we call a perfect physique is something Ray Wetterlund III is maintaining for years. Intending to transform people’s lives, the trainer has truly mastered himself and is the most trusted name in San Diego’s fitness industry.
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