This is something that Giuliano “Twich” Lopes symbolizes! Giuliano believes that it takes a lot of patience, guts, and self-belief to do something meaningful in this world. He wants to make everyone understand the fact that your work in any goodwill is to reap benefits. Giuliano born in the Netherlands saw the world as an open canvas to leave a mark on and that is exactly what this young artistic entrepreneur is doing.
Starting from owning his own studio named the “TwichStudio” to co-owning a fashion and designer company “FeriBoyz” the sky is just the start for him. With a load of self-belief and hard work, Giuliano believes that anything can be done. The Artistic Entrepreneur hit the records lately with his new single “Sick of this. Ft. Kross”. The lyrics and the music that the album imbibes routes to a strong connection between Giuliano and his passion. There are some things that made him what he is today and is the biggest believer of himself was the beginning.
You are Your Best Critic
Giuliano believes that any piece of art that you don’t approve of isn’t going to make wonders. There are a lot of things it takes to make something unique, and the factor of self-belief is a crucial one. He says that whatever you create or produce, needs to pass your levels of expectations before it can reach anyone else. This is one of the key elements that helped Giuliano become what he is today.
Reinvent Yourself at Every Opportunity
It is important to stay relevant especially in the artistic field. If you are not finding yourself to be challenging yourself, then you would be lost in the crowd. Giuliano is a strong believer in that. He believes that the key to producing good music lies in the hands of an artist who can constantly reinvent himself. The rich lineage of songs and music by Giuliano symbolizes just that. He says that whenever someone appreciates his music, the next thing on his mind is to produce the next single even better. Giuliano’s mindset is the key to everything that he is today and that is what he tells the people/fans who follow him.
Don’t Settle for Less
Giuliano is someone who firmly believes in this. With the association with famous stars like Kymani Marley and Trent Shelton Giuliano believes that networking with the big names is a key to making it big. It might sound simple but is practically challenging to execute. He believes that the day your business stops, that is the day your networking starts to work for you.
Being an artistic entrepreneur and constantly reinventing himself is Giuliano’s way of making it big in life and that is the exact same that he expects from his fans as well. Giuliano’s recent single “Sick of this. Ft. Kross” is making the charts and the artist is all set for his next big break in the music.
Connect with Giuliano ‘Twich’ Lopes on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Fan link
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