Gratitude is an indispensable element in both personal and professional life. To be grateful represents knowing the positive actions of another person, which, in turn, is an exceptional motivator to encourage further improvement.
However, in the excessive hustle and bustle of business, this important value may go unnoticed – not to mention the influence that appreciation has on the work environment.
But what is the impact of gratitude on the company, and why is it necessary to be grateful? By reacting to gratitude as an element that enhances worker productivity, you will be motivated to perform this practice consecutively.
Effects of Gratitude
Undoubtedly, gratitude is synonymous with recognition, leadership, and intelligence. This element is part of emotional intelligence; therefore, its importance goes beyond a simple word.
Those who consider themselves leaders within the business environment should be the main promoters of gratitude within the organization or business. Beyond a habit that reflects good manners, gratitude is an aspect that will generate effects on the employee and the employer. Let’s look at some of them:
1. Positive Impulse
Gratitude is not only a gesture of education but is considered a motivator by nature. A simple “thank you” will make the recipient feel valuable and important in seeing their effort recognized.
This leads to the establishment of a personal commitment to continue contributing to the company from their work, driven by the effect of gratitude. In short, gratitude promotes the construction of an organizational culture based on well-being.
2. It Reflects Humility
Gratitude not only impacts the person who receives the recognition, but also the person who gives thanks. This habit creates, in the person who is grateful, an image of authenticity and humility.
In other words, it creates a connection beyond the work. Both the sender and the receiver of thanks experience a transformation, the first for feeling valued and the second for causing a sense of well-being to the one who thanks.
3. Increases Physical and Mental Well-Being
There are studies that support physical and psychological well-being for grateful people. First of all, gratitude reduces physical discomfort, while negative emotions also disappear as a result of gratitude.
Resentments, jealousies, and frustrations are aspects that pollute the work environment. Through consistent gratitude, these emotions can disappear and create a friendly atmosphere of companionship and emotional stability.
4. Improves Self-Esteem
Contributing to the improvement of another person’s mood through gratitude is undoubtedly a recurrent self-esteem enhancer. On the other hand, whoever receives words of gratitude potentially raises the perception of oneself.
A grateful person also improves his or her relationship with the environment. He avoids comparing himself with his colleagues; on the contrary, he generates an atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation that will increase the group performance.
5. Promotes Resilience
Appreciation not only raises morale and well-being but can help a person overcome a traumatic event. Recognizing actions for which to generate appreciation is an important propellant in reducing trauma from events that have affected emotional development.
How to Cultivate Gratitude
Recognizing the importance of gratitude is not enough; its recurrent practice must be started. Business leaders are responsible for setting an example for their employees by recognizing the good actions that they carry out in favor of the company.
How can this be done? Here are four important practices that we implement on a daily basis in our company, Leyes Media, for making gratitude a regular gesture in your company or business:
1. Be What You Want to Receive
Being thankful to receive appreciation is a primary aspect. It is important that, from the employers to the employees, the recurrent practice of thanking in a sincere way is started. This way, all the staff will be encouraged to be part of a grateful and productive working group.
2. Do Not Ignore the Power of Gratitude
All employees will feel good about being thanked. The value of a “thank you” can never be underestimated. On the contrary, the results after thanking any action by the employees will be visibly positive for the company.
3. Recognize the Gratitude in Others
It is important to identify and thank those who, out of gratitude, promote the well-being of the company and its staff. There will always be people who, from the habit of thanking, will improve the internal relations of the company.
4. Do Not Underestimate the Efforts
The results are not always as expected. This is not to say that the team has not done its best. Therefore, always acknowledge and appreciate the work. This will motivate the employees to make up for mistakes and start a new attempt to achieve success.
Gratitude is undoubtedly an essential element that will make a difference within the company.
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