What factors make an entrepreneur a true “master”? Sure, monetary or financial success is fantastic, but if that success cannot carry over to have a positive on others, it arguably cannot truly be much of a success at all.
Indeed, the true measure of success in today’s world isn’t simply chocked up to net worth or higher salaries; rather, it’s a measure of how many others your own success (and the methods used to achieve it) can help. After all, what good is a master of any field if they are unable to teach or coach others looking to pave their own path to success?
Today, we’re going to take a look at three individuals who have built their own success by using their entrepreneurial drive and industry expertise to help others, making them not only experts of their respective fields, but true masters of their own craft.
Ian Dunlap
Ian Dunlap is an investment expert with one of the highest win percentages in all of America. He is also the founder of Red Panda Academy where he teaches others how to invest properly and claims to have found an algorithm that anyone can make money on whether the market is up or crashing.
He is also the founder of Hyper Acceleration, a business and finance consulting agency based out of Houston, Texas. Prior to founding these two companies, Dunlap worked as a marketing executive for multiple Fortune 500 companies including Eastern Bank Limited, Chevron, and Reebok, to name a few.
Dunlap’s position as a true master of his investment craft has helped propel him to the forefront of Black entrepreneurs in the world today. In true entrepreneurial fashion, Dunlap routinely uses his platforms to help coach Black people valuable investment tactics, methods, and strategies, using his financial acumen as a way to help better the lives of others who often find themselves at an inherent disadvantage in society.
Having built his own businesses and platforms from the ground up, Dunlap personally understands the value and wealth proper coaching can bring. As a Black entrepreneur, Dunlap is no stranger to the influence his platform holds, which is why he continues to use his expertise to instruct and empower others throughout their own investment journeys.
Dave Hall
For over 30 years, founder and entrepreneur Dave Hall has been a high-impact lecturer, speaker, trainer, and motivator. He has spoken to 100,000’s of individuals as well as doctors,
health practitioners, fitness coaches, researchers, universities, and celebrities across thousands of lectures and speaking engagements across the world throughout his career.
Beginning his own personal health journey in 1990, Hall began using a rebounder to improve his joint and muscle strength, circulation, and weight loss. Within a mere six months, his newfound musculature and improved posture left him feeling, in his own words, “like an athlete.” This drastic change in his health sparked what would become a career in fitness and health coaching, and within three years, Hall was scheduling arrangements to travel both around the US and internationally to share the secrets to his ten-minutes-a-day Cellercise program.
Today, Hall’s program and expertise have grown the Cellercise brand into an international phenomenon boasting communities in every US state and scores of countries throughout the world.
As an inventor and speaker, David’s personal mission is to inspire physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health and well-being in people of all ages, citing that each person’s health always possesses a higher potential that can be reached.
Amol Soin, MD
Dr. Amol Soin has devoted his career to researching and finding ways to treat patients’ pain without addiction or unnecessary surgery. With an opioid crisis in the US overwhelming many medical systems and professionals, Dr. Soin has dedicated his research to slowing down this crisis by inventing several nerve stimulation devices to prevent pain and solve other chronic issues.
His biotech company, Soin Neuroscience Inc. (SNI), recently developed a device that interfaces with nerves and blocks pain signals. SNI is currently running a 20 patient pilot study, with results showing consistent pain reduction to 0 in the study’s participants by sending electrical impulses to block the processing of pain signals in nerves.
The company is also developing a smart closed-loop system that is able to sense and obtain data from surrounding tissue in the human body, and automatically adjust and send signals to the nerves to help block the pain; a relatively new technique in the industry which Dr. Soin recently had a patent issued on.
Dr. Soin has also invented a device that to treat urinary incontinence, a problem that affects 46 million Americans aged 40 years or older annually, often due to overactive bladder. The device, a novel implantable sacral nerve stimulator, uses a new method of interfacing with nerves that control the bladder in order to allow them to fire properly and help treat urinary incontinence.
As a graduate of both Dartmouth and Brown universities, Dr. Soin has studied pharmacological agents for many years to treat various diseases, mostly concentrated in non-opioid-based pain management therapies.
He has also formed his own medical device division where he has several neuromodulation technologies in development. SNI is also working on machine learning and AI-based technologies to help augment decision-making processes by physicians to make precision medicine possible.
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