This Startup Is Hoping To Pair You With The Next Mark Zuckerberg

Within the next month, eMINDSCLUB will launch and help disrupt the world of entrepreneurship.

With eMINDSCLUB, you have access to entrepreneurs from all over the world. The club for high achievers allows entrepreneurs to connect and help each other out.

Let’s say you’re superb at marketing and you meet another entrepreneur who is good at designs, you can help each other out without having to pay through a feature on eMINDSCLUB. The app will also help you find investment partners. You can even have entrepreneurs work for you and you can even pay them with a small equity in your company.

I had the chance to sit down and chat with the founder of the startup, Dominic Pratt, on his revolutionary idea.

Like all entrepreneurs, I’ve always been curious how they got started. When I asked Dominic this question, he replied, “I’ve always believed in myself and knew that my future, and everyone’s future, can be a lot brighter—if you are willing to take a chance on yourself. What drives me the most is knowing what is possible in life and the challenge of constantly elevating myself to achieve more and more.”

Dominic is certainly taking the chance on himself by developing this app. He’s currently holding a waitlist and has been blown away by the number of people who’ve already signed up. This led me to my next question, why exactly did he start eMINDSCLUB?

Dominic’s response to that question was, “They say by being in the right place at the right time great things can happen. Great examples of this are Apple and Facebook. For the majority of us—who don’t have access to Silicon Valley or Ivy League schools—there has never been the right place. eMINDSCLUB is bridging this gap and is fostering the home of ‘The World’s Next Entrepreneurs.'”

That caught my attention. Too many people complain about not having the right connections, but what if you could take all those people and put them together to help each other out? Then you’re talking about changing the game.

I can see how eMINDSCLUB will help entrepreneurs, but I wanted to get Dominic’s take on how he was envisioned it helping entrepreneurs.

“We are creating a community of top entrepreneurs with all different skill sets and backgrounds and making them available to one and other. Imagine being part of this type of environment, or better yet, the companies that will be formed off of these types of connections.”

Sometimes entrepreneurs would like a partner. Finding a partner isn’t easy, especially given someone’s location. But thanks to eMINDSCLUB, you can find a partner who lives in a different time zone or halfway across the world.

While there are many features to the startup, I wanted to ask Dominic what he thought the best feature would be.

“I am really excited about having mastermind sessions on the spot. Get in front of other members and present the challenges you are facing and receive feedback from other members.”

“The Master Mind principle: two or more people actively engaged in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force.” — Napoleon Hill

Just from meeting Dominic, I could tell he wanted to change the world and make an impact. He had a problem of his own and created this app to help other entrepreneurs like himself make the connections that will allow them to succeed.

Before I parted ways with Dominic, I had one more question to ask him. If he could give one piece of advice to entrepreneurs, what would it be? His advice was simple and sound, “It doesn’t make you a bad person because you want more for yourself. Go all in on you and don’t settle for anything less than your dreams.”

eMINDSCLUB is launching next month and hopes to pair you with the next Mark Zuckerberg. You can join the waiting list here. 

If you met Mark Zuckerberg, what would you say to him? Let us know in the comments!

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