The responsibilities and successes that come from being a successful entrepreneur and Silicon Valley visionary are also wholly dependent on one’s ability to also balance life as a family man. Whether we are talking about the Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates of today’s business world, their success all have one thing in common: family.
“Everybody wants to be Elon Musk, but you can still get to a high level of success without getting to that level,” CrowdOptic CEO Jon Fisher said in a previous interview with Grit Daily. Despite COVID-19 and the damages to many Silicon Valley endeavors, there are still those like Fisher, who believe in affecting positive change for future generations.
“I have a house on a hill; it’s built into a cliff. It’s built into the rock. And the rains came. And the floods came. And the winds blew. And it beat on that house. And it did not fall. Matthews 7:24. Amen to that. I see these guys eulogizing; their fathers from time-to-time on CNN, like the last one–it’s pretty tough. It’s pretty tough to see. My own father is here. And he is. Not was. But is…a great father. He’s a really good guy, you know? And I aspire to that. I aspire to that first. I aspire to that first before anything else. My mother’s great. She literally stood in front of us all the time to protect against the world. My wife, Darla, I couldn’t have imagined winding up with a more loving and patient, and good person. And she gets so much of that from her own mother. And I watch and witness this with such humility as it’s passed down to our little girl. She’s in better shape now. Our little girl, who you may see at the reception–she just shines. I took the only path to see you along Tiburon Boulevard today, where even our most resourceful, most well-meaning people can’t seem to get their acts together regarding changing their daily driving habits to affect traffic. And so it goes in our little town. And so it goes in most towns. How do we sacrifice a lot to save the planet, if we can’t even sacrifice a little?”
If those words haven’t already sent chills up and down your body, it has for almost 4 million people online, as this year’s commencement speech by Jon Fisher at the University of San Francisco went viral, surpassing the traction that former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2020 Snapchat Commencement Address and Tom Hank’s recent graduation commencement speech to Wright State University students in Dayton, Ohio have done, together.
Fisher, a serial entrepreneur, investor, author, and speaker whose portfolio includes more success than the average A-lister, also contains the legacy of successful ventures such as Bharosa (which was later acquired by Oracle,) AutoReach (now part of AutoNation,) and NetClerk (now part of Roper Technologies.)
His latest success as CEO of CrowdOptic, which offers augmented reality technology, has been taking the MedTech sector by storm with its partnership with National Bioskills Laboratories to bring on-going surgeries to physicians, trainers, and students in real-time.
Back in June, CrowdOptic announced its partnership with the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to begin streaming procedures by UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery faculty, only to be followed up soon after by its partnership with Stanford University Medical School, where its software would also be used to live stream surgeries to doctors and medical students while wearing Google Glass. But this isn’t anything surprising coming from a company whose technology has been implemented by Sony, HPE, and Avaya.
In 2014, Google Glass began using CrowdOptic’s software as its certified partner to send a live video feed from an ambulance to a destination hospital.
From an education standpoint, Fisher’s name is traveling far and wide. His first book, Strategic Entrepreneurism: Shattering the Start-Up Entrepreneurial Myths, published in 2008, is still required reading at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
And, now, he’s announced that his second book, which will incorporate much of the subject matter contained in his recent commencement speech, has been picked up by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., coming in the spring of 2021.
“Your degrees today, your work to come are the means to leave a trail. Your family is another. I will look for you in the years to come as you build and find your happiness.”
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