Top 5 Tested CBD Creams for 2020: Best of Real Tested CBD

The word of the year in health and wellness is CBD, and understandably so. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of many compounds naturally derived in hemp and cannabis plants. CBD has become a staple in holistic healthcare, especially when it comes to topicals. One of the most popular is CBD creams.

CBD creams are commonly made with a lotion like consistency, being light and easily absorbed by the skin. They can deliver a range of soothing properties as well as a dose of moisture. CBD creams are applied directly to the skin, generally not reaching the bloodstream, but delivering a targeted dose of relief. CBD topicals are ideal for athletes or those with active lifestyles for muscle recovery and soreness, or those combating arthritis or chronic pains.

Finding a quality CBD cream is key to making sure you’re getting all the benefits from your topical. Here at Real Tested CBD, we test a range of products so you can get exactly what you need from your CBD. Here are our top five CBD cream picks:

Top 5 CBD Creams 

  1. Endoca Hemp Whipped Body Butter

Our first stop in the Best CBD Creams category is Endoca Hemp Whipped Body Butter. This high-quality CBD cream gets a highly recommended score from our expert review staff and a great leading score of 98 out of 100. This CBD cream is packed with all the rare cannabinoids, boasting a whopping 1661mg of CBD and even 152mg of THC. This is one of the best products on the market we have tested here at Real Tested CBD, this is a great choice for a CBD cream, as are most of Endoca’s other products.

  1. Floyd’s On-The-Go Transdermal CBD Sports Cream 

 Next up we have Floyd’s On-The-Go Transdermal CBD Sports Cream. This CBD cream tested above the label claims for CBD. Although there are no rare cannabinoids to bring on the entourage effect, this cream is a great product with a great value. Costing just about $0.04 per milligram of CBD, this cream gets a recommended score from our expert review staff. 

  1. Liquid Earth Restorative CBD Cream


Third on our top CBD creams shortlist is Liquid Earth Restorative CBD Cream. This quality CBD product tested right on the dot for label claims. This is an isolate CBD cream so there are no rare cannabinoids present, but the 500mg of CBD are sure to help get the topical application job done.

  1. Canniant CBD Soothing Lotion Minted Lavender

Next we bring you Canniant CBD Soothing Lotion in a beautiful minted lavender scent. This CBD cream tested just above the label claim amount of CBD, with 284mg as well as 16mg of CBC. There are no other rare cannabinoids present, but our expert review still awards this CBD cream an acceptable score and recommendation.

  1. Liquid Earth Therapeutic CBD Cream

Coming in at number five is Liquid Earth Therapeutic CBD Cream. This CBD cream tests just over the label claim for CBD present, but only contains the additional rare cannabinoid THCV in small amounts. This is a great starting place for someone new to the world of CBD cream, giving you a measured dose of CBD that can be applied in a targeted manner.

Takeaways for CBD Creams

When it comes to purchasing a quality CBD cream, there are a lot of options available. Knowing what sets someone apart from the rest will help you make an informed CBD purchase. Turn to Real Tested CBD for all your CBD Product Guide needs. We take the guesswork out of buying quality CBD. For more Real Tested CBD Reviews, visit here.

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