Social media marketing has become even more important since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey by Convince And Convert shows that 99% of Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to rely on social media and online reviews while selecting a restaurant. Also according to BigCommerce, over 71% of customers are more likely to recommend a company that ensures a positive social media experience. This proves the importance of social media marketing in the restaurant business.
365 Days of Social Posts for Restaurant Owners: The Ultimate Guide To Restaurant Social Media Marketing
365 Days of Social Posts for Restaurant Owners by Brendan Cox focuses on creative ways for restaurant owners to dominate the social media space. Brendan’s book offers insight on a years worth of innovative content ideas for restaurant owners to dominate the social media space. Looking for hundreds of ideas to increase your restaurant’s digital footprint? This book will surely help!
Restaurant & Bar Marketing: The No Bulls#it Guide to Improving Guest Counts
Erik Shellenberger takes a critical look at the reality of restaurant marketing in our everyday world. The author explains why social media marketing has lost its effectiveness and how bar owners can master the Fishbowl vs the Ocean concept to increase guest counts for their businesses. For bar owners looking to gain experience and knowledge on how to improve their guest count, this book has all the answers.
How to Start, Run & Grow a Successful Restaurant Business: A Lean Startup Guide
Tim Hoffman’s book looks at how beginners can utilize social media for their restaurant chains and single businesses. This book deep dives into how small restaurants can develop small ideas into big businesses. Also, Tim highlights concepts that help business owners excel in the food industry. He also considers the WHAT and WHY factors involved in the runnings of a business.
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