As the world enters a new round of COVID with the delta variant, Toronto-based Top Tier Group has announced the creation of Top Tier Safety Supplies, whose medical equipment and personal protection equipment may be much needed.
CEO Michael Theodorou states that the company has been working since March 2020 to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and that they will continue their commitment in the months to come. “Our personal protective equipment, or PPE, offered by Top Tier Safety Supplies will be one of our biggest focuses, especially this fall,” he says.
PPE Sales
The events of the past 1.5 years have increased the demand for PPE, and Top Tier Safety Supplies is meeting it by selling them on Shopify. Customers can choose from over 20,000 products in five categories, including gloves, covers, care, medical treatment, tool bags and belts, and masks.
“We narrow the PPE search process from there by allowing our customers to focus on specific types of masks as well as body and facial coverings,” Michael Theodorou states. “If you are looking for a sold-out or otherwise hard-to-find PPE product, there is a very good chance that Top Tier Safety Supplies has it.”
Popular Products
The most popular products on the Top Tier Safety Supplies website are PPE-related. Masks, Lysol wipes, and gloves make up the top three, and the other seven products on the company’s top ten list were made popular by the pandemic.
Michael Theodorou says the demand for those products has stayed at a constant high. “We’ve never stopped seeing a need for those PPE products,” he says. “Those were the main focus when we started earlier this year, and it will likely stay that way for a long time.”
Company Goals
Top Tier sold PPE to multiple companies and countries over the past year, including the Thailand Board of Investment. No matter who they’re working with, Theodorou emphasizes the company’s values of hard work, transparency, and striving for improvement. “We want to constantly be getting better, both with how we operate and what we’re offering,” he explains. “That’s how you keep up with the competition.”
The Covid-19 Vaccine
In addition to medical and safety supplies, Top Tier also officially received MDEL License Level 3 certification in May to help bring COVID-19 vaccines to its clients in Canada. Outside of products that have been popularized by the pandemic, the company also supplies glasses, covers, bags, and skin care products to use.
Other Businesses
In addition to selling thousands of products through Top Tier Safety Supplies, Top Tier Group also operates more than a dozen companies offering innovative solutions, including local and international moving operations.
International items can be shipped by Top Tier Airlink or Top Tier Containers by sea. In North America, Top Tier Moving has won multiple awards, including Modern Removals Company of the Year at the 2020 New World Report Awards. Top Tier also operates Mein Haus Staging, a home-staging company that helps clients sell their vacant or occupied homes.
Clients and Promotion
Across all their businesses, Top Tier Group’s client base includes several well-known companies and organizations, including Amazon, Popeyes, and the Government of Canada. On social media, they have a following of well over two million users on Instagram, quickly growing after hitting one million followers just a few months ago. The company has also been featured on several news channels, including The New York Times, CBC News, and Forbes.
Michael Theodorou ultimately believes that while these achievements will continue, Top Tier’s employees will never lose sight of what’s important: the customers. “They are the main reason we are successful,” he says. “We would, of course, be just a warehouse if we didn’t have them. Because they give us their business and their feedback, we have been able to grow and become better at what we do. We will always be thankful for them.”
For more information on Top Tier Safety Supplies, visit the company’s store at For information on all of the companies owned and operated by Top Tier Group, visit the company’s Instagram page at
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