Transitioning to a new career is exciting, but it can also be difficult and stressful. Here, Andre Alonzo Chambers shares five steps you can take to ease your switch into a new industry. 1. Determine Transferable Skills
When you decide that you’d like to make the switch to a new industry, it’s important that you consider which of your current skills will transfer to your desired position, according to Andre Alonzo Chambers.Remember to consider both hard skills (like technical expertise and subject matter knowledge) and soft skills (like communication, problem-solving, and creating a positive customer or client experience).
2. Boost Your Education
After you determine which of your current skills will transfer to your new job, it’s time to boost up additional skills that you’ll need to succeed in your new field. You may need to start working on a new degree in order to change fields, or you may be able to take some classes at a local community college that can prepare you for your new industry.
Take some time to research people who have the job you want and find out about their educational background. You may also want to research job postings for the career you want so that you can take steps toward becoming fully prepared to succeed in your new industry.
3. Network With Your Desired Peers
There’s no need to wait until you’ve secured a position in your new field to begin networking. Look up local networking events in your new field and get excited to connect with others in your future industry. Use your newcomer status as a way to begin conversations with others. Ask them about their work history, what they love about the industry, and what they wish someone would have told them when they were just getting started. Don’t be shy—most people at networking events are happy to talk about their careers, and will be excited to welcome a newcomer to their field.
4. Prepare To Answer Questions
When you interview for a job in your new field, it’s important to be prepared for confused interviewers with many questions, says Andre Alonzo Chambers.Preparing answers in advance can make it easier to explain how and why you decided to move into a new career direction. There’s no need to be robotic when you explain your switch to interviewers, but it’s smart to have some general ideas that can explain your switch.
Questions you might want to consider developing an answer to before an interview include:
5. Give It Time
As you begin to transition to your new career, it’s important that you give yourself time to adjust. If you changed industries with the goal of having more time at home or taking greater pleasure from your work, know that it can take a few months (or years) to fully get used to your new job and realize all the benefits of your new industry.
Stress-related to a job change is normal, and it’s important that you prioritize your mental health as you adjust, even if part of the reason you changed industries was to lower your stress levels. As you get used to your new position, you’ll get to fully realize the benefits you’ve gained from switching industries.
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