Using OTT to Help Artists Recapture Their Full Value

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Zip Stream TV was founded on the realization that video artists will give up 80% of their revenue for the convenience of having companies like YouTube, Instagram, or Roku publish their works “for free”, every so often giving the artist a minor slice of the total revenue their works actually generate. The publishers make billions off the artists, and since there are so many artists, concern and support for any individual artist is minimal.

Zip Stream TV is changing that paradigm. After 20 years in the production side of the video industry helping artists produce their works, Dennis Duggins and his business partner Andrew Rivers founded Zip Stream TV on the premise that it should be the artists who receive 100% of their revenue rather than someone else.

Zip Stream TV does this by creating OTT publishing networks for the artists. These networks are available on any Internet connected devices via web apps, smartphone apps, smart TV’s, and services like Fire TV and Roku. Content may be prerecorded or live, carried by the most reliable Content Delivery Networks (CDN’s) in the world.

Channels like YouTube and Instagram then become free advertising portals sending traffic to the artists’ network where revenue is created via ads, sponsorships, subscriptions, and / or per-per-view. Ironically, artists can even generate revenue by allowing google and others to place paid ads on the artists network.

Setting up a digital publishing network sounds daunting but Zip Stream TV makes it easy. Zip Stream does all the work, enabling the artist to focus on their content while Zip Stream does all the work, the same approach used in video production where the artist is in full control while the support team makes the magic happen.

Networks are set up so 100% of revenue flows directly to the artist, with the artist having complete control of content. Zip Stream takes no cut, and has no influence over content. 

Zip Stream TV is a US based independent Over-The-Top (OTT) enabler leveraging a 20 year history in video production to aid clients in maximizing monetization of their content by matching clients to the technology that best benefits them. Zip Stream’s independence assures clients enjoy the best reach, quality, and reliability.

For more information contact Zip Stream TV via website

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