You often come across success stories where you see someone who literally had nothing and went on to become a millionaire. Sure, those stories are inspiring. They make you want to follow your passion. But Salim Elhila’s journey isn’t like that. He had a comfortable, high-paying job in the artificial intelligence industry, a field that will only expand in the future.
But he still left his job and followed his passion. He could have continued with his career because people hardly get such a high-paying job. However, he thought that he wasn’t following his passion. And his passion was to help entrepreneurs and freelancers establish a system that attracts a steady stream of high-end customers.
Salim’s drive to success
When asked about why he left his job and started online training, Salim said, “I already had quite a bit of knowledge of digital marketing, e-learning, and e-commerce. I even started my e-commerce business to see whether my strategies worked or not. They did. That gave me the confidence to do what I had always wanted to – provide online training to freelancers and entrepreneurs.
I feel that many entrepreneurs don’t maximize their potential because they are not aware of the techniques that can fetch them, valuable customers. I train them to focus on their business essentials so that they can multiply their income without wasting their time and energy.
Most entrepreneurs say that they learn from their mistakes. This sometimes proves to be costly. My training program focuses on face-to-face interaction that I think is highly effective in online training programs.”
Salim is one of those who don’t refuse to take bold steps in his life. It was a risky decision to leave his well-paid job and enter an industry about which he had little knowledge. But he worked his way around by reading everything he could about e-commerce. That’s the kind of person Salim is. If he is into something, he puts his heart and soul into making it successful. That’s what makes him such a successful entrepreneur.
Hunger for success
According to Salim’s partner, Djibril Mara, the co-founder of Learning Master, “Salim isn’t content with what he has. When he was into e-commerce, he sold his products to probably hundreds and thousands of customers worldwide. But that was the least of his concerns. He wanted to do more. He wanted to help entrepreneurs who could also achieve success like him.
This selfless attitude and not letting anything come between his passion and dream is something that makes him so successful. Salim has that innate quality to go and get what he wants. Some people are not so lucky or don’t want to take that risk, which is why they fall short of their expectations.”
With hundreds of entrepreneurs already a part of Learning Master, it’s good to see that Salim is going in the right track that he had chosen in the first place. He took on the risk of trying something new because he wanted to follow his passion. Now, he wants his students to keep this belief in mind that they can if they want to.
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