As a child, Jamel always recognized the bridge between religion and morality, and how difficult it can be for some people who try tirelessly to build a strong foundation. He is happiest when he spends time giving to people, and feels great fulfillment with each soul touched.
Jamel believes that the law of reciprocation always returns to you the amount of energy that you put out. He is grateful for each turn of events in his life, as every opportunity to help someone else fills him with energy. This keeps his life consistently resonating with positive energy and vibration.
Raised by a single mother who took menial jobs to survive, Jamel understands what it means to hit the lowest point in life. His childhood made him see life for what it truly is; a journey of ups and downs, ebb and flow, great trials and moments of deep happiness.
Although as a child he grew up without any financial security, he was always encompassed by the unending sacrificial love of his mother.
As an adult, while watching people suffer, Jamel was able to transform all that he went through in his childhood and the waves of negativity around him into positive energy to share for the benefit of the world.
Jamel Davenport worked as a social worker, domestic violence counselor, police officer, probation personal trainer, and nutritionist before deciding to re-direct his life and give back to humanity all that he knows and has gained through life experience.
Jamel believes there is no limit to what is possible and that every day is an adventure in the sandbox.
Jamel Davenport is currently a life coach with over 20 years of experience.
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