Less than 40% of businesses reach their ten-year anniversaries, but don’t tell that to “Big Al” Clarke of Real Biz Game, a company that creates and manages e-commerce stores and provides resources on achieving success in business. “That’s a statistic I don’t contemplate,” he says. “I don’t even go there. Instead, I focus on ensuring that my company is one of the few that does make it even though as an entrepreneur, I face some really tough odds, especially in a COVID economy.”
Big Al says that Real Biz Game has been thriving because of the knowledge he has accumulated during his 15-year consultancy for musicians, entertainers, sports figures, and social media influencers. “I am passionate about passing along my knowledge to small business owners because they create so many jobs for our growing workforce,” he states. “The reality is that we all win when another company celebrates its tenth birthday, so why would I hold back my information on how to achieve business success?”
Big Al’s first piece of advice is that new entrepreneurs be prepared to play the long game. “You may think this is a simple idea, but the reality is that if you don’t make that the foundation of your business plan, you will risk either failing or at least making your entrepreneurial journey harder than it has to be,” he explains.
“There are so many talented innovators out there who have incredible ideas that deserve to be brought to market. However, they seem to get tied up in either the excitement of the moment, like when they first open their doors, or they fail to look far enough down the road to really steer their businesses in the right direction. They may have that one-year plan, and I fully support that. What they lack, though, is a real vision for where they will be in, yes, ten years even if it changes.”
Big Al states that one reason entrepreneurs have trouble with the long game is that in the beginning, they have so much to do to launch their companies. “I fully get that,” he says. “You’re focused on marketing and hiring and doing a thousand other things, so it’s easy to only see what’s in front of you. Doing that, though, will mean that when the dust clears, you may not know how to handle where your business is now. With a ‘long run’ mindset, you can be prepared for anything and see your company steadily grow.”
He also recommends that owners network as much as they can. “No matter how advanced our society becomes, the fact that we all need to meet people will never change,” Big Al believes. “There are different reasons for this. First, if you need investors, then it’s wise to get out there and start introducing yourself to individuals who might be interested. Remember: you never know who you’re actually talking to when you sit down to watch your kid’s soccer game. Second, you can get a stronger sense of how well-received your product or service will be by consumers. Third, networking is an excellent way to find those customers.”
Big Al has seen entrepreneurs have difficulty networking because they are either too shy or unsure how to do it. “I can empathize, as it’s a hurdle many of us face. It can feel hard to talk to strangers and promote your business to them. Remember, though, that everytime you connect with others in your community, you add a potential new customer, one who knows a lot of people they can tell about your business.”
He suggests that the entrepreneur stay aware of current trends in technology and use them to their advantage. “I know individuals who get overwhelmed by all the latest tech,” he says. “However, I’m a glass-half-full type of guy. I believe in getting excited about all these options and brainstorming ways to use them to help my own business.”
Big Al points to NFTs as a creative way to fire up a company’s marketing campaign. “Today’s generation is 100% digital. Why not incorporate NFTs into how you reach them? I’ve seen some very effective ideas, including personalized gifts and vouchers. Some companies are even considering selling the designs to their products. NFTs are such relatively new technology that how they are used is only limited by an entrepreneur’s imagination.”
Above all, Big Al advises that an entrepreneur never stop learning. “You’re going to experience dozens of failures and successes everyday,” he says, smiling. “Get ready! Each one can teach you something. Before you go to bed at night, take a few minutes to think back on the day and write down some of the lessons that you learned. Those notes become an awesome history of your entrepreneurial journey, one that you’ll love revisiting and reflecting on as your business grows and you take it to the success you envision it becoming. Do that, and you’ll celebrate your tenth birthday and go even further.”
Real Biz Game is empowering its clients to start and run their companies more efficiently and effectively. It is also an expert in setting up and managing e-commerce companies on the Walmart online space, giving its clients the ability to potentially earn passive income. For more information about Real Biz Game, including its resources for business owners and ability to run e-commerce companies, please email Big Al or visit:
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