At the age of 20, Can Tayfun Mandir proved that anything is possible in life if one is focused at dedicated enough. Today, he runs a successful e-commerce business that provides the best dropshipping services. Can is a high school diploma pass out and full of zeal and dreams to achieve big things in life.
About his business and services he provides, Tayfun Mandir shares, ” I run e-commerce and am the owner of several online shops and a coach for several thousand people. We sell products online without the need for these warehouses – dropshipping. Only when the customer places an order does the order go out to the end customer, which the supplier sends out. Our goods arrive in approx. We have 5 days delivery time, so that we only guarantee the best suppliers and product quality for our customers. We rely on close cooperation with our clients, which is why our coaching is limited to monthly.”
The journey wasn’t a cakewalk for Tayfun Mandir. But he never gave up despite all the personal and professional challenges that came his way. He also talked about how he makes sure to make a difference and influence others in life. Tayfun Mandir states, “By rethinking. People have to rethink in order to achieve their goal. The school is nothing more than a training facility for employees.”
But this isn’t where Tayfun Mandir wants to stop. He knows that e-commerce is the future. He has worked hard enough to reach at this stage in his career. Mandir wants more and more people to be motivated to understand this business line. He also has some great goals he wishes to achieve in future.
The 20-year-old business shares, “Lead as many people as possible into self-employment and make them financially independent. I wish to expand in the German-speaking area and offer service across Europe. Management consulting is also one of the goals.”
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