4 Ways to Perfect Your Business Casual Look

You want to look your best, but every office has a different set of requirements, and if you’re not careful you can look out of place.

Never fear, there are options for everyone, and you too can perfect the business casual look that suits your personality. Take a look at these simple tips that can give your wardrobe a fresh update without the guesswork.

Start With Classic Looks That Never Go Out of Style


Image via Flickr by ThoroughlyReviewed.

The idea of business casual dress codes in the office has been around for some time, but with a never-ending line of start-ups and employee-centric programs on the rise, it’s never been more popular to come to work in style.

Your best bet begins with a flexible array of slacks and chinos, sleek button-up collared shirts, and a derby or Oxford shoe to match. Fit it all together with a silk tie and match a belt with your loafers to present yourself as a man who knows what he’s doing.

Layer Your Garments to Maximize Your Options

If you need a quick fix before you go out on the hunt for a new wardrobe, take a look at what you already have in your closet to see how you make the most of it.

Think about how you might be able to mix and match varying textures and patterns from your closet to liven up your style with interesting cross-sections. The best part is this will keep you warm in the winter months, when sporting a jacket with your sweater can make all the difference.

Make Bold New Statements to Draw Attention

If you’re ready to make an impression to stand out from the crowd, then you need to make a bold new statement that fits with the times.

What are the rules? Well, they’re always changing, so you’ll need to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest trends and get in on them before it’s too late. One day you might be better off with a sporting style with bold patterns, the next you could be toning it down with a muted shade to give out a minimalist vibe.

Whatever is happening in the fashion world, it’s best to be ahead of the game, and pay attention to details to get it to work for you.

Find a Stylist to Match Your Budget and Taste

Whether you like to keep up with the latest trends or prefer to fall back on the old reliable ways to get you to where you want to go, you’re not alone on your journey.

You can get help with online stylists who specialize in putting together outfits that match your personality and style without all the extra effort of having to do it yourself. They can put your whole ensemble together in a way that meets your budgetary needs without the grief.

Perfecting the business casual look isn’t all about sticking to a single set of rules, but about looking at all the possibilities to find what’s right for you.

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