5 Business Startup Ideas for Teenagers

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The world today has gone digital, providing people with resources and information that were once unavailable. More than ever before, everyone, including teens, has access to financial information and resources to implement any innovative ideas they might have. If you’re an enterprising teen looking to earn some money, there are several startup ideas that you can implement. Here, we look at just five startup ideas that you can easily implement.

Graphic Design

If you’re artistically inclined and like digital media, graphic design is something you should consider. It’s an easy skill to learn using the right software, and your school might even offer it. Even if no one is available to teach you, there are hundreds of free videos tutorials on YouTube, and you can also use other online educational platforms.

All you need to practice graphic design is a computer with the right software. Then, you can easily work from anywhere and sharpen up your skills with practice before you start charging clients. Beyond the fact that graphic design skills can help you earn money while still in high school, it can also be the start of a career in market, branding and design.

Even if you don’t intend to have a career in these fields, graphic design is still a lucrative and in-demand skill that can fetch you a lot of money with the right clients.


Another business idea that you can easily implement as a teenager is tutoring. This could be you tutoring yourself or organizing the whole thing and working with your friends. As a teen in high school, tutoring is an ideal business because you already have the market in place. As long as you’re an expert in a subject and have a knack for teaching, you can start a tutoring business. It requires no startup capital or equipment.

Apart from earning through tutoring, it’ll also look good if you could include it in your resume or college application. A tutoring business can be a one-person business, or you could work with others. Your customers are your juniors and classmates, and you can easily get referrals.

Freelance Writing

Are you thinking of pursuing a career in literature, journalism, and other similar disciplines? Then you could sharpen your skills through freelance writing and even go ahead to monetize it. It’s an ideal startup that doesn’t require any money. You’re most likely writing essays as part of your schoolwork already. So, you simply have to write a few extra pieces for others.

There are several writing opportunities available. Individuals, magazines, websites, etc., are all looking for writers, and you can also use freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or even traditional job boards to find writing jobs.

Personal Service

Offering personal service to people is also a profitable startup idea that requires little money. Personal services can come in various forms. For example, you can run errands for people, help them walk their dog, driving the elderly, babysitting, do grocery shopping, do deliveries, do lawn care, etc.

There’s no limit to the services you can offer, and you can easily earn money through any of them. Most times, you earn less through offering personal services than from other startups that require a skill. But you get to make very valuable connections along the way, and with enough referrals, you can earn a lot. Your first customers are your Neighbours, family members, and friends. From there, you can expand as much as you like.

Makeup Artist Business

If you enjoy working with others and know a lot about lifestyle and beauty, makeup artistry is a good business to try out. You only need to have makeup application skills and buy all the basic products and equipment you need. This might require some capital but nothing that’s too expensive.

Finding customers can start with your friends who need makeup for events such as proms. From there, you can use social media and word of mouth to get more clients and reach a wider audience. Makeup artists can make sizable profits over time.


There are several startup ideas that you can implement as a teen. The ones listed above are chosen for the ease of entry and low cost of starting capital. In most cases, what should inform the startup idea you choose should be your passion, not just how much money you could make. With passion, it’ll be easier to acquire the necessary skills and offer better services. In addition, social media and quality services offer you the best opportunities for free advertisements.

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