5 Tips to go From Average to Pro Fast in Fortnite Battle Royale

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Fortnite is a challenging game to learn and master. The Battle Royale mode in Fortnite throws 100 players against one another. Players step off the war bus onto an island featuring a variety of terrains, such as a desert or snowfields. 

Players should be familiar with the fundamentals of building, shooting, and exploring for items, as well as having won a few battle royales. Now that you’ve mastered the fundamentals, it’s time to go deeper into the game’s mechanics in order to improve your gaming. These range from simple adjustments to item usage optimization. 

Fortnite cheats from lavicheats will walk you through all you need to know to improve at this high-skill cap game. This article will provide advanced tips and tricks for Fortnite Battle Royale players.

1. Swing like a Spider-Man 

Spider-Web Man’s Shooters is by far the most interesting addition to Fornite in Chapter 3. While the ammo for Spider-Web Man’s Shooters is boundless, there is a cooldown between usage. 

When employing Spider-Web Man’s Shooters, the most important thing to avoid is colliding with a wall or object. You will lose your web-slinging and fall to the ground if you do so. 

This puts them on cooldown, and you’ll have to wait to use them again. End your arc at the object’s height while looking at it if you’re aiming to dismount on a certain platform, roof, or region. This causes the player to “pull” towards the surface, allowing for a smooth landing.

2. How to Quickly Slide 

Epic has added sliding to Fortnite Chapter 3, taking a page from Apex Legends’ playbook. After running, hold down the crouch button to make your character drop down on their knees. You can also slide while building, shooting, and editing. 

3. Use buildings for positioning

 As soon as you’re shot, set up the cover. Don’t look into the problem right away! Many players die as a result of starting to look around in the hopes of identifying and killing an enemy. Cover yourself first, then assess the situation. If you have a positional advantage, don’t push the enemy; they will either flee or come to you.

4. Make most of the tents for storage and healing

Artemis is a large map, and you might need to take a break while traversing it. The new tents are the perfect spot to unwind. Tents may be found in practically every site of interest across Artemis, and the good thing is these tents can be brought along.

You can rest inside a tent to heal five health per second and store up to three goods once you’ve claimed it. You can get your goods back not just in that game, but also in future ones. In later games, your items will be in the tent you claim.

5. New weapons to admire

Fortnite Chapter 3 also vaulted most of the weapons. From the standard assault rifle to the battle pistol, everything has been put on the shelf. The good news is that the new weapons are a superb blend of old and new technologies. It’s best to get started studying how to take advantage of them straight away.

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