5 Tips to Help You Identify Your Business Niche from Shemika Jackson

You want to launch your own business that will help people in need, but you are having difficulty finding the perfect niche to suit your business. Finding the right niche for your business is not something that can be done overnight. You want to take the right amount of time to find an area where your business will thrive and succeed, but you don’t want it to be a daunting task constantly hanging over your head.

After you decide that you want to start a business, take the initiative to start to think about what you want your brand to be and the market you want it to be in. The longer you wait, the exhausting and stressful it can be to pick a niche. Pick a niche that will be a viable resource for the area that your business will be located and will impact the community in a positive way. Founder and CEO of Kafune Hair, Shemika Jackson has created and implemented five tips throughout her own business that helped her find her perfect niche. 

If you are having trouble deciding on the perfect niche for your business, follow the tips below:

List Out Your Interests and Passions

In most cases, when starting a business you want to sell or provide a service of something that you are passionate about. “As a first-time business owner picking an area that you are passionate about will greatly increase your chances of starting and maintaining a successful business,” stated Jackson. Listing out all our passions and interests and evaluating your likes and dislikes will help you narrow down your niche.

Know the Need in Your Area

After you have listed out your interests and passions, take a moment to evaluate the area that your business is located. “Find out what are some challenges and opportunities in the area that your business could potentially solve,” stated Jackson. You want to be able to share with your potential customers how your business and the products that will be offered can benefit them and help solve the issue their community is facing. 


Research, Research, Research. “Once you have listed all of your passions and interests and determined the need in your area, research your competition in the area and create a spreadsheet to keep track of all the businesses,” Jackson. After your research, you will be able to see a clear picture of the opportunities in your area and how to stand out from the competition.

Take Your Time

It can be easy and exciting to immediately jump into your business and start thinking of products and inventory, but it is important to take your time. “Have an idea of who your audience is and ask them what they want and need and tailor your business as so,” stated Jackson. By taking your time and asking these questions you can then create a business niche that will attract customers and be happy with your business from beginning to end.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to reach out to other small business owners and entrepreneurs that are in the same marketplace that you are interested in. “Ask questions and find out their experience about how they chose their business niche,” stated Jackson. Any valuable information or feedback that you receive, take it and implement into your business to grow and succeed.

These must-have tips will be beneficial for any aspiring entrepreneur or business owner seeking to find their business niche. It is important to find a niche that you are passionate about and will solve a problem within the area. To learn more about finding your business niche contact Shemika Jackson by visiting her website at https://kafunehair.com/.

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