However, in the end, the experience will always be positive and you will remember it as the best years of your youth … or at least that is what we want you to achieve in MedicMind Australia, i.e., MedicMind AU, and that is why we have compiled some tips that may help you prepare for a new one. Stage.
1. Answer the question “where do you want to go?” and remember it.
It is likely that during your university journey abroad some factors may affect your emotions: from when your family is thousands of kilometers away until you had a bad week of exams or long hours of study without a good result.
First calm down, it is the most normal. Then remember the answer to the question “where do you want to go?” And stick to that idea, draw strength from it and take a nap to rest. When you wake up, everything will start to organize and you will forget the sudden ideas of throwing everything away. Remember, keep your eyes on your project.
2. Make a group of friends with different abilities.
Although it is a good idea to create your study and training circle with your classmates, try to socialize with people from other careers; Not only will you enjoy the diversity of topics that you will get to know, but you also have a greater chance of creating a good network of multidisciplinary contacts that could help when you need to get a job or even start your own company.
3. Get to know the city and nearby areas
It is good to get to know the city, it will not only help you to put yourself in your context or simply to enjoy a good coffee with your friends; Rather, it will help you professionally since you will know the market you face and, as in many cities abroad, the population is a mixture of cultures that are reflected even in the architecture of each urbanization. The more you know the city, the more comfortable you will feel with its people and you will understand the reason for that daily life.
4. Take lots of photos and videos
This is more advice that you will enjoy in the future, perhaps five or ten years after completing your studies. Currently it is easier to leave a visual record of our adventures thanks to our smartphones, their cameras, and applications such as Instagram or Pinterest; but still remember to take photos or videos weekly and store them somewhere safe like an external hard drive.
Believe us, you will thank us when in 5 years you review the “University” folder and find more than 500 photos from all that time, they are moments that you will treasure forever.
5. Watch your expenses, make a weekly budget
We have already mentioned the importance of planning money during our studies abroad several times, but it never hurts to remember that a good spending plan will make the difference between a student who can afford a few luxuries a month and another who collects his coins to buy that book necessary for the new semester.
A good way to plan your money is to add your fixed expenses per month and divide them by 30 (the days of the month); this will give you the total expenses per day. Then, try to accommodate your additional expenses so that they do not exceed the daily sum.
That is, if you spend $ 20 on rent, services and food every day, you are already more aware of what could happen if for several days you decide to increase your expenses to $ 40 or $ 50. The goal is for you to know your finances and be able to play with them in the most effective way.
If you want to study abroad to boost your career, use our search engine and browse the results to start your journey. If, on the other hand, you are already enrolled in a study abroad but want more information about the country you are going to or one or another useful tip, visit the student guides or follow us on our social networks.
Set rules
You will be exposed to feeling lonely, especially when you do not see your child with the usual frequency. In addition, you will worry about knowing if he is well, eating correctly and being judicious.
To avoid a nervous breakdown, propose a schedule and / or agree to chat with each other every so often. Remember that social networks will be your great allies, and they will be able to be in contact through Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
Your first Christmas at home
When your child breathes new airs of freedom, he will want to let go of your yoke more and more. You can give him “more court”, but subtly let him know that the family comes first, and that he should celebrate the Christmas holidays with you before making any plans with friends. After all, it is important to instill in him that love and respect for his loved ones is a priority.
Ask for help
In specialized books and/or sharing with friends and family, you will get the support and advice that you will need so much when your child leaves and in the days before saying goodbye. Look for relatives who have gone through the same experience, so that they can tell you how they coped with the duel of the game and got used to the new reality.
Search a job
Looking on the positive side to the fact that your child is no longer at home, and you do not have the obligation to cook for him, wash his clothes, carry him and look for him (of course, this applies to mothers who have no other children in the home) realize that all that free time is for you. Get together with your friends, join a gym, pay attention to that hobby you neglected a long time ago, take a course, adopt a pet!
Let your adventure begin!
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