a$ad Takes the R&B Scene by Storm

R&B is a unique sector of the music industry with a small but passionate group of fans. But this doesn’t mean there’s a lack of competition within the genre. For artists to make their way up the R&B scene, they need to have exceptional talent to match or outdo the many other talents out there. The same applies to R&B producers. The production of this type of music requires a lot of technical expertise as it involves more melodies and smooth vocals.

a$ad, one of the newest talents in the genre, has taken the R&B music scene by storm with his two releases, “Still Up” and “Party in LA.” These two tracks are smooth and wavy, giving fans a new twist on the classic R&B style. The songs are now considered part of the new wave in the genre. a$ad’s ability to rise in the music scene is a clear indication of his talent. He foresees a bright future for himself and is working hard on keeping up with the trends in the R&B music scene that include:

  • Increased music streaming

One of the recent trends in the music industry, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been increased music streaming. This comes amid an era of increased social media use. R&B lovers, just like fans of others types of music, are going to online streaming platforms such as Spotify, Amazon, and iTunes to search for their favorite tunes. In return, a$ad and other artists have to ensure their music is also available on these platforms so their fans do not miss out.

  • Increased appetite for smooth and soothing music

R&B music lovers have recently turned their backs on loud music. They are hungry for a more smooth and wavy sound that will get them carried into the music. Streaming platforms are now matching volumes to provide the users with a seamless experience. This appetite for soft music has also created a ripple effect back to the R&B producers, who are increasingly disinterested in loudness.

  • Diversification of the revenue streams

Traditionally, R&B artists majorly relied on live gigs as their primary revenue streams. But with the recent ban on live concerts due to the pandemic, musicians have been left with no option but to find other revenue streams. Online platforms have become a significant boost to their revenue streams as they have improved during this pandemic period. Artists who had never bothered to have their music registered on the various online streaming platforms in the past rushed to do so after the onset of the COVID era.

  • The rise of Indie labels

Indie labels refer to the record labels privately owned and managed by the musicians themselves without external management. R&B artists have discovered the importance of operating as individuals rather than working under a record label that in many cases leads them to become involved in music copyright wrangles. Operating as a solo artist gives them the freedom to be more flexible and run more smoothly.

Despite the hard times that the music industry is facing in general, a$ad is committed to making it big and becoming a global superstar.

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