Business and LinkedIn Strategist Shares 5 Tips on How to Future Proof Your Coaching and Consulting Business

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The business landscape is ever-changing and it can be difficult to keep up. This is why you should consider future-proofing your business to ensure that your business succeeds in the long term. Amy Smith is a business and LinkedIn strategist as well as a coach and speaker.

She helps service-based business owners such as consultants and coaches to launch their business online and to grow and maintain a strong online presence. Amy has an extensive career in business having worked in HR, business development and coaching across Canada, the UK and Australia. Having worked with startups to companies turning over more than $100 million a year, she has trained them and their staff on personal branding, business and LinkedIn strategies. 

Amy has a very successful online presence herself, with over 27,300 1st degree connections on LinkedIn and she has been featured in the CEO Global Magazine, 6PR Newstalk, Nine Radio, Directors Institute publications and The Future of Work Summit. Amy recently founded the ‘In Demand Coach’ program through which she has helped coaches, consultants and professional service providers to utilise her proven LinkedIn strategies allowing them to attract premium clients at an impressively fast rate.

Amy shares with us 5 tips on how to future-proof your consulting or service-based business.  

Build an online presence.

Having an online presence is no longer nice to have, it is essential. 88% of customers check online reviews before making a purchase. If your business doesn’t have a strong online presence, you could easily be missing out on customers who are in need of your service but can’t find your business. 

Build your business around your lifestyle.

As the business owner, you have the ability to ensure that your business works for your lifestyle either your current lifestyle or the lifestyle that you want to lead. Whether this is building it around your kids’ routine or creating a location-independent work anywhere anytime’ scenario to give you the flexibility to travel and work, by doing so you are ensuring that you are not restricted like a typical 9-5 job and can have a better work/life integration approach.

Surround yourself with other people who are where you want to be.

By surrounding yourself with people that have achieved the results you want to achieve, you can fast-track your learning by not repeating the mistakes and having to reinvent the wheel yourself. This is the best way to gain insight into what you should do, and should not do, in order to get where you want to be and achieve your goals fast. 

Take a holistic approach.

It’s important to take a step back and look at the big picture. What’s the impact you want to make? Where do your strengths lie and who are the premium clients that you enjoy working with? Building a business based on what feels most authentic for you and what excites you the most, rather than ‘faking it to you make it’ will ensure the survival and success of your business in the long run. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Being in business isn’t all rainbows and unicorns somedays, but it doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think. If you’re ready to get the fulfilment, flexibility and financial freedom without the usual business hustle and ‘fluff’ we’re here to help set you up for success in the long haul. 

If you’re ready to future-proof your business and gain an online presence, get in contact with Amy Smith today through her website, LinkedIn or Facebook

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