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Certainly, we all love the notion of acquiring maximum money, status, and power. But, there are only some people who remain steadfast to their goals and with unwavering conviction and defy all the norms while smoothly making their way to the top. According to Forbes, there are 2,208 billionaires in the world, so definitely there are certain traits and habits that are unique to these wealthy moguls only.
To attain a life filled with a purpose or to enter the billionaire’s club, these 3 habits can speed up your journey:
1. Having Utmost Faith
Sometimes, starting an endeavor is the tricky part, whereas sometimes, the starting point is easy while the journey is constrained with either financial barriers or demotivational issues. They say, “The night is the darkest just before the dawn”, and we often quit just before that first ray of sunrise is ready to slash the crimson color of clouds in the sky. We stop because we failed to achieve the desired results, or the scarce financial resources ran out, or, maybe, we never had faith in our cause from the first day.
Having an unwavering conviction is the bedrock to all success stories, and then comes the power of focus. If an entrepreneur is starting a business, his/her activities must contribute towards the business idea solely. While working on a business idea, if the person is looking for other lucrative opportunities simultaneously, then the boat is likely to sink and then surge its way towards the shore.
Pursuing passion is important, but sticking with that idea and dream is the most fundamental element of success. Napoleon Hill stated, “No man can succeed in a line of endeavor which he does not like.”
2. Living Below Means
Most often, we only look at the glam and glitter of celebrities who are filthy rich. Celebrities have a brand image to maintain, and the more they invest in materialistic things, the stronger their fanbase. Entrepreneurs and self-made billionaires are different; they don’t indulge themselves by overspending. Billionaires save money. They aren’t frugal or a miser; they just know the significance of it.
Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and several other billionaires would be seen in casual attires driving simple cars and investing money in only things that enable them to grow. Bill Gates loves to read, and he spends a significant amount of his money on buying books of diverse genres. He even has a blog to share reviews and reading tricks. Warren Buffet can afford to live wherever he desires to, but this down-to-earth entrepreneur resides in a $31,5000 home, which he bought decades back.
By saving money, not only are we preparing for the rainy days but we are also curbing our desire to invest in things that bring less or no returns in the long run. Jim Carrey perfectly encapsulates this habit through his quote: “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of, so they can see that it’s not the answer.”
3. Staying Fit Physically and Mentally
Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, stated that regular physical activity can prolong the productivity hours in a day. Not only is exercise significant for keeping us fit and healthy, but it also enables the cycle of day and night to come into order. The day is reserved for working, while the night is meant to induce peace in the body and mind. Waking up early becomes a peripheral benefit of exercising and meditating.
The scope of exercising is not limited to physical activities only – many billionaires meditate. Mindfulness is achieved through solitude. The ability to sit at a particular place for even 10 minutes in a day can improve the ability to focus and declutter the mind from the trivialities of life. John Raley emphasizes exercising by saying, “Exercise is really for the brain, not the body. It affects mood, vitality, alertness, and feelings of well-being.” The journey to success is neither short nor easy, but if it would’ve been easy, where would be the element of exclusivity and fun?
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