“Dollars Tomorrow for Pennies Today” Learn About Higher-Yield Fixed Income Alternative Assets With DCF Exchange

Financial advisors have a big job in today’s financial environment, advising people who want to save money, make money, get out of debt, invest, build wealth, start businesses, plan for retirement, and so much more. One of the most challenging jobs for an advisor is to make the shift from asset accumulation to fixed income generation.

When it comes to guaranteed income, annuities are a great option. Research published in both Time and The Wall Street Journal shows that people with guaranteed fixed income streams are happier, and live longer lives. But many annuities offer low rates, complicated contracts and in some cases, higher fees.

Nathaniel Pulsifer, President, and CEO of DCF Exchange is passionate about helping financial advisors and their clients secure fixed income streams at the highest possible yield and lowest price with his innovative alternative assets.

Pulsifer explains it as “dollars tomorrow for pennies today”, and supplies advisors and their clients with an alternative asset that offers higher yield, high credit quality fixed income payments from top rated insurance carriers at a discounted price.

The process is simple: DCF Exchange purchases structured settlement payments from payees that want a lump sum rather than a series of long-term payments. Because they want cash today and are not able to access cash in their structured settlement annuities, people are willing to sell these future payments at a discount today.

In a rigorous and court ordered transfer process in compliance with IRS and state specific statutes, DCF Exchange acquires these payment streams and then offers the payments through financial advisors. The fixed income payments offer a higher yield and come at a lower cost than more traditional fixed income assets like annuities.

Each transaction transfers payments from a top rated insurance carrier to the purchaser, making these a high credit quality, higher yield fixed income alternative asset class.

Because these payments simply cost less than traditional fixed annuities and CD’s, investors are often able to buy more income than they might otherwise be able to afford. And better still, these payments can be purchased by investors of any age.

It’s not uncommon for investors to acquire multiple streams over time to create laddered income streams, or for advisors to use these assets in multi -generational planning scenarios.

DCF Exchange works with financial advisors and their clients from around the country in this little-known marketplace. The company handles all the transfer requirements, in compliance with state and federal regulations and consumer protection statutes, to bring these assets to its network of financial advisors.

Discover more of what DCF Exchange offers on their website, and learn how this high yield fixed income alternative asset can benefit clients.  For those interested in getting involved there is an opportunity to submit an application for appointment. Reach out today to learn how to stand out from the crowd and offer clients something that will change their lives and provide peace of mind long term.

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