Fritz Colcol-An Entrepreneurship Journey

Fritz Colcol, hailing from the Philippines, is the talk of town. Born in 1991, he accomplished almost half of his dreams before 30. He is a noted hard worker since the age 11, and he is still the same to this day. Out of interest, he concentrated on a Kinesiology major in college. Side-by–side, his passion for fitness grew and he documented his progress on Instagram. Furthermore, he was offered the brand ambassador role to represent fitness products in Silicon Valley ultimately rising as a Chief Marketing Officer.

He is multifaceted and has experiences in fields like clothing stores, staffing agency, digital marketing, e-commerce sites and restaurants. He also operates as a consultant on brands by helping them in public relations.

He faced struggles, yet he is happy for the experiences gained from them. His favorite quote  – “The more you fail, the more you succeed“, stands true. He is a man of humility as he derives his motivation from his colleagues, family, friends and those around him.

He advises people to be passionate and disciplined in their efforts. And also, he warns us to accept reality and be open to challenges. He further states his success is mainly because of the transparency he maintains in his personal and professional life, which gains trust.

On questioning about his business and its impact, he answers:

All of my businesses have my best effort put in it. Whatever the service or product I offer, it is quality made and vetted. As for the civic side, I provide mentorships, free coaching and charity partnerships to give back to the community.

I am always inspired by the rising ones and their fresh take on the game. I help entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, influencers and business owners become an authority in their niche through Instagram & PR. I help them use personal and business branding to scale their business by building their brand awareness, social proof and lead generation.

He is the CEO/Co-Founder/Co-owner of ABN CIRCLE, SIMPLY THALIA, IRIDIUM CLOTHING, BLACK ALPHA SUPPLEMENTS among others. Apart from his entrepreneurship side, he possesses a heart for fitness. He took up the title of Mr. Illinois 2016 for professional natural bodybuilding. Fritz Colcol truly is the epitome of hard work.

To learn more about Fritz, visit:



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