Technology is transforming almost every part of our lives, and at a greater pace than ever before. As the world around us embraces and adapts to technological change, education is also being revolutionized.
Whether we are at school, college, university or studying in work, e-learning will completely reshape how we learn, what we learn and where we learn. Here are 5 ways e-learning will change education.
The Educator
Teachers and educators have traditionally served as the instructor. Typically, this involves a person standing in front of students, who listen to them as they impart knowledge. E-learning will push this “chalk and talk” concept into the dustbin of history.
The process has been underway for some time; as devices like tablets and smartphones have become ubiquitous, people are used to gaining knowledge and skills through a simple click. This has meant that we are becoming far more actively engaged in our own learning and this will change the role of the educator.
Rather than teaching us directly, educators will become organisers rather than teachers. Education will become more collaborative, with teachers focusing on counselling students, project managing and curating resources for students to use.
Mobile Learning
We live in a digital world. As tech improves it is becoming easier and easier to connect with others at a click of the button, across the globe. E-learning tools mean that people can learn at different times and in different places. The importance of this technology for education was made clear by COVID-19: almost overnight, educational institutions the world over pivoted to remote learning.
Although there has been some movement back to physical locations as the pandemic has loosened its grip, huge possibilities and opportunities have been opened up with remote learning. Education can now be more flexible and accessible than ever before. Educational institutions are going to harness the tools available to attract students across the world. The future of learning is mobile.
Personalised Learning
Not only will the style of teaching and where the classroom is changing, but what we are taught will also be revolutionised. Traditionally, learning has been delivered in a very “one size fits all” way. There has been little focus on individual needs and abilities – whatever your skillset, you got the same work to do. This rigid approach has not consistently delivered good outcomes and has led to many students becoming disengaged, leading to bad behaviour and poor exam results.
E-learning tools will allow individualized learning plans to be created for students. Brighter students will get harder questions and tasks while those grappling with subjects will be given more time to reach the needed level. Computer-based programs will adapt to students’ needs and devise learning plans that engage each student and allow them to follow their strengths.
Curriculum Changes
With the advent of personalized and remote learning, the curriculum as we have understood it will change completely. A learner-first approach will inevitably mean differentiated content and require huge flexibility as students choose what and when they wish to learn.
Curriculums will be pared back to the bone to become merely a general framework to ensure students are taught very basic competencies in reading, writing and mathematics. Traditional curriculums are already under heavy pressure from the changing needs of the world – old skills and knowledge are starting to become redundant.
The changes wrought by e-learning are also going to have enormous effects on the central testing mechanism of today’s education: the exam. Students have been taught since time immemorial that the end result – a passed exam – is what defines them.
With education being personalised and delivered according to the individual’s needs and skills, the concept of grades and exams will become increasingly valueless and indeed, ludicrous. E-learning will mean a strong focus on project work, where students are assessed by applying their skills to a variety of situations.
This will be far more reflective of the needs of the future workplace, which will value creativity, teamwork, organisational and time-management skills far more than exam results.
Final Thoughts
Education is going to go through enormous changes in the coming years. All educational institutions will need to adapt to and embrace the huge opportunities offered by e-learning.
Technology will underpin all aspects of education and schools, colleges, universities and businesses need to digitize learning and ensure their students and employees are engaged and given the skills they need. Make sure your organization has the tools it needs by using an educational software development company.
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