Jack Careedy, the 17-Year-old Photographer from Melbourne Australia who knew anything is possible. At a very young age, Jack is fortunate to visit over 20 countries and have learnt a lot through his experiences.
“I love to capture the world through my lens. I have experienced a lot of different cultures and I’ve got to connect with people all around the globe. My favourite part of photography is being able to connect with other like-minded creators who I can work together with and become lifelong friends”, Jack stated.
Life-changing moments for Jack
Traveling the world has been one of the most life-changing moments in his career. Traveling allows him to experience many different cultures and the opportunity to connect with people all around the globe. Traveling is very crucial as it allows us to get out of our busy schedule.
You get to experience life in so many different ways and step outside your comfort zone every single day. This has changed Jack’s career because ever since he began travelling he had a completely different mindset on my day to day activities purely because of the experiences and things he has learnt whilst being overseas.
A valuable piece of advice Jack would like to share
A piece of advice he would give for someone trying to achieve success as an entrepreneur would be to focus on the work and love what you are doing. If your alarm clock doesn’t excite you when you wake up in the morning then you are doing it for the wrong reasons.
“I have the mindset that the minute when I wake up I’m excited to see what the day has in store because if you have a negative mindset towards your work you will never be motivated to accomplish any tasks simply because you don’t enjoy it”, Jack said.
Jack’s secret to success
Hard work and passion would be key to building a successful brand for yourself. These aspects have helped Jack keep going over the years.
“The thing I love about passion is that you can’t teach passion it is something that comes naturally if you love something that much. I allowed passion to become my purpose and that’s when I was going down the right track”, Jack said.
Here is what Jack looks forward to in 2021
Jack wants to focus on more clients per month and he looks forward to working with more people in the industry. This will allow him to gain more knowledge from people he doesn’t know.
Working with a variety of people is very beneficial as it benefits you as a creator because there are a lot more ideas being thrown around which is perfect in the creative industry. Jack’s long term vision is to be able to run a huge media company situated in Melbourne Australia.
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