Mardoche Likoy is a relative newcomer in the marketing world, but he has already made a huge impact on dozens of entrepreneurs. Though his marketing agency, Marketing + Solutions, is primarily designed for high-profile business marketing, Mardoche Likoy also works with smaller businesses and entrepreneurs who are just getting started. Either way, Mardoche, and his UK-based team are now expanding their services to meet the growing needs of online brands and entrepreneurs all over the world.
About Marketing + Solutions
Founded in 2019, Marketing + Solutions began by helping entrepreneurs find their footing in an increasingly competitive digital marketplace. Many new businesses were found themselves competing with giants like Amazon and Alibaba, so they simply didn’t know how to connect with customers without getting drowned out by the sheer power of their competitors.
Fortunately, Mardoche was able to offer one-on-one consultations with these business owners to learn more about their goals, fears, interests, and existing strategies. This way, he could personalize his approach to improving their digital marketing campaigns.
Fast-forward a year and Mardoche was already getting big-ticket clients that had far more complex branding and marketing needs. This required the marketing agency to expand and reevaluate its services.
All of this took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, which made it even harder for many entrepreneurs to stay afloat. Thankfully, Mardoche helped steer his clients in the right direction and capture even more sales during a difficult, frightening, and tumultuous time.
Today, Marketing + Solutions offers even more services, expanding its already impressive repertoire. Some of the latest and most enhanced services include:
- Lead Generation – Mardoche Likoy has the expertise and experience to help drive more potential customers right to your digital doorstep. We make sure that our clients can sleep well at night and not worry where their next customers will come from, we always ensure that you will get as many clients, customers, and sales, as you can possibly handle so your pipeline, is always full.
- Automation – Mardoche implements various programs and automated processes to ensure that your day-to-day workload does not get bogged down with tedious, unnecessary tasks.
- Paid Media – Mardoche has launched dozens of highly successful paid media and ad campaigns across a wide range of platforms. This can help drive even more traffic and growth to your social media profiles or business website.
- Creative Content – Consumers want to feel engaged, and Mardoche Likoy knows how to capture their attention. With a team of expert writers, Mardoche creates new content for entrepreneurs to help sell more of their products or services.
- SEO – Lastly, every company wants to appear at the top of Google search results. With Mardoche’s SEO knowledge, your business website can be optimized to appear higher in search results, get more traffic, and increase profits over the long term.
Are you interested in learning more about Mardoche Likoy and Marketing + Solutions? If so, you can contact Mardoche directly via Instagram or visit his marketing agency website to set up a free consultation today!
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