Meet Erin (The Blonde Broker)

The eternal perfectionist, Erin aka TheBlondeBroker, always strove to make her dad proud. She was active in the community, ran track, served on the cheerleading squad, and excelled at every sport under the sun. Erin even went to her dad’s alma mater of Texas A&M. She landed a job as an electrical engineer out of college serving industries from law firms and schools to sky rises and high end residential developments. 

“I have a lot of energy…the nine to five life was not the life for me,” Erin said. There was also not a lot of growth within the company so she began to teach herself how to trade stocks on the side. 

Eventually she became proficient enough in trading to be able leave her job and start posting trades and plays on twitter. It happened to be the start of the Bull Run which helped with the growth of her platform. 

She loved the fast pace of the space and decided to start branding herself as The Blonde Broker, after a friend suggested she use something fun. Women are so unrepresented in the financial space so she was happy to fill the void. She tries to keep the brand on the forefront, focusing on education and content creation.

Erin was continually trying to stay as financially adaptive as possible, trading stocks, commodities, crypto, and NFTs. Whatever new technology or protocol was being innovated or emerging, “I wanted to focus on that and be able to educate and teach and stay up to date with time,” she said. This eventually led to public speaking engagements where she took her brand on the road. 

Her younger siblings are the inspiration behind her desire to educate, as she wants to “help guide them in any way possible…I think that’s the beauty about Web3 and crypto. It provides opportunity and freedom,” Erin said.

For the last 8 months, Erin has been working on a new show currently titled, The Future of Money. The show is an Anthony Bourdain style docuseries that she will co-host along with Daniel Moncada, one of the twins of The Breaking Bad series. They will be interviewing different founders and teaching about the future of money, but Erin can’t share more than that for now. 

While The Blonde Broker is highly recognizable on twitter, she’s also a gamer and streams on twitch and kick. Soon she will be taking her channel to Snapchat to bring Web3 to a wider audience.


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