Hard work is the price we must pay to achieve success in any work or field. Along with it, time is an investment one must make to go big in life. No great thing is achieved merely by sitting or dreaming about it. Turning dreams into reality and challenges into opportunities, Delhi-based entrepreneur Naman Arora has been making the right noise in the business world. He is the founder of ‘Data Art Information Technology,’ a company which serves its clients with social media app development and management, network services, infrastructure, software development, web development, marketing, data classification and analysis and other digital services.
The position where he is today is a result of his immense hard work and dedication. “I worked for almost 15-16 hours a day when I did a job. My goal was pretty clear, and I gave a fixed time to my office hours. The remaining time in the day I utilized in the side hustle as I always wanted to build a company of my own,” said Naman. The entrepreneur further said that an individual should not be dependent on only one income stream. “While a corporate job has the main aim to meet the organization goals, side hustle helps you to grow on a personal level”, he added. It was only after he risked the ordinary, he could build this extraordinary business empire.
Naman Arora who is widely known as Harry in his circles has taken the company to newer heights. ‘Data Art Information Technology’ creates custom software for companies and help them in interacting with the end-user seamlessly. With the pandemic hitting the world, Naman’s company has been at the forefront in providing many businesses with a digital way to prosper. Today his company is one of the most trusted online agencies in Delhi/NCR region. It is gradually expanding its presence all over India. Its major focus has been in creating the latest trends in the digital domain.
Through trial and errors, Naman has groomed himself as a highly-skilled and talented businessman. At 29, he is inspiring many young lads who wish to start a business venture over the digital space. Besides social media and digital services, his company is exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) which has lately become a part and parcel in the field of technology. Well, the situation after the pandemic has been recovering at its pace, and the company is expanding its horizon beyond the digital medium in the coming time.
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