Bakes is a San Diego native looking to make his claim as an “authentic lyricist”. Hip Hop fans who enjoy a natural, West Coast flow and a centric vibe will appreciate the authenticity in his upcoming album, “From the Ground Up”. Produced by Isaiah Salazar, the tracklist takes listeners through his journey of the highs and lows of being an independent hip hop artist. In this album, he opens up about how he got to this point in his career. With total transparency, he tells his listeners that the journey for people who choose to never give up is not for the weak-minded.
Bakes is a believer in the importance of speaking dreams into existence and having an optimistic outlook on life. He constantly challenges himself to always be on a higher level of thinking as he states in his 2019 debut single, “I am somewhere”, where he raps “You need a crane lift to be up where my brain sits.”
After listening to this album, Bakes wants to melodically transmit the feeling of motivation and the possibility of manifesting dreams into reality.
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